澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-02-28(在线收听

 Leading the news this morning.

Cyclone Rusty is continue to weaken as it makes its way inland across the east Pilbara in Western Australia, the communities of Marble Bar and Nullagine are on red alert, it's bringing gale force winds and heavy rain which is expected to cause widespread flooding across the region.
Large crowds have packed St.Peter Square to bid Pope Benedict to final farewell. There were large cheers as he was driven through the square in the Pope Mobile before taking the stage for his final address. Australia's most senior Catholic cardinal George Pell says the Pope will be remembered as a great theologian but a poor leader.
Eight people are recovering in hospital after a apartment balcony collapsed on Sydney's north shore. Police say 11 people were on the balcony when it gave way. They fell about 7 meters, five of the injured are believed to have serious but non life threatening injuries.
The operation's immigration spokesman Scott Morrison will tour the Manus Island detention center for the first today. The center reopened in November and can hold up to 600 asylum seekers. He says he wants to see first hand how the facility is progressing. Mr.Morrison has created a stir after suggesting residents being notified before asylum seekers are released into their communities.
Australian authorities have made their biggest ever seizure of the drug Ice, they say the 585 kilogram haul has an estimated street value of 438 million dollars. The operation involved officers from the Australian federal police, customs, New South Wales police and the Australian Crime Commission.