澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-06-05(在线收听

 Let's go to finance. A new report has found the profits of the world's biggest miners have slumped by half since 2011 as the mining boom peaks. Pricewaterhouse Cooper says higher costs, more writedowns and fluctuating commodity prices hit the foutunes of the top 40 mining companies including BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto. It says that's likely to lead to more mine closures and job cuts. 

Now Australia's financial regulater says it's holding 350 million dollars' worth of unclaimed money. Last year, the government shortened the time after which money from inactive bank accounts could be seized and they shortened them to just three years. As its deputy chairman has told the senate estimate hearing he can't say how much extra money has been seized because of the change, but says it can be reclaimed.
Let's go to the markets. 
Wall Street lost ground. The fall was triggered by predictions from economists that the US Federal Reserve might scale back its stimulus program as early as September. In London overnight, the FTSE closed 33 points up.
To commodity prices.
West Texas Crude is trading at 93 US dollars a barrel. Tapis Crude is at 107 US dollars a barrel. And Gold is worth 1399 US dollars an ounce. 
The Aussie dollar is buying 96.46 US cents, 74 Euro cents and 63 pence sterling.