

WHO Launches Plan for Better Health Care in Developing Countries WHO将为发展中国家提供更多医疗服务

Major donors are changing the way they fund health programs in low-income countries. The results in maternal and child health have been so successful that the World  Bank and the Global Fund are working together to add programs on AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. The change in financing focuses on motivating health care workers to  provide better care and on helping patients obtain it.


When pregnant women get good health care and have a trained midwife or doctor at their side when giving birth, mothers and babies are more likely to survive.

And when children get vaccinated against preventable diseases and get quality care when they're sick, they're more likely to reach their fifth birthday.  当孩子获得预防疾病的疫苗,生病时获得高质量的护理,他们就更可能活到五岁。

The World Health Organization said that last year, 6.5 million children did not live to see their fifth birthday.  世界卫生组织称去年有650万儿童没有活到五岁。

Children born in sub-Saharan Africa have the greatest risk of dying in their first five years. Most of the deaths are preventable.


The World Bank and other major donors have launched a plan to help children survive.


Tim Evans, who heads the program at the World Bank, said, “We want women to have access to ante-natal [post-birth] care. We want children who are born with a skilled  birth attendant, with access to emergency obstetric care. If we want that coverage for the population, how do we organize the system and invest in it in such a way to  achieve those results?”

提姆·伊万斯是世界银行这个项目的负责人,“我们要给妇女提供产前产后护理,希望在熟练接生员帮助下诞生的孩子能得到紧急产科保健。如果我们想给人们提供这样的服务,那么该如何 组织该系统并进行投资,从而实现这样的结果呢?”

The plan is called "results-based financing." It links incentives with results. For example, in some countries, women are paid to have their babies in a hospital.  Midwives get extra money for delivering healthy babies. Doctors might get extra pay if they immunize a certain number of children.

这个计划叫做“结果基础上的融资”,将激励和结果联系在一起。比如在一些国家,妇女将婴儿送到医院是可以获得报酬的,助产士接生出健康婴儿就可获得额外收入,医生给一定数量的儿 童提供免疫服务就可获得额外收入。

The program provides incentives to direct medical care to patients or get the patient to the clinic.   "It’s a function of giving an incentive to those people on the ground to solve those problems, because the incentive for them is to achieve the results," said Evans.


Aid can also target programs in middle-income countries. Babies are most vulnerable in the first 28 days of life. The incentive program helped Argentina reduced infant  deaths by 74 percent.   援助也为中等收入国家提供这样的项目,婴儿在出生后的前28个周最脆弱,这个激励项目帮助阿根廷将婴儿死亡率降低了74%。

Since 2007, the World Bank has funded results-based programs in 31 countries, enough to see that the program saves lives and stretches donor funds.  2007年以来,世界银行在31个国家资助了结果为基础的项目,足以看出该项目能拯救生命,并节省捐赠者的资金。

The Bank is now collaborating with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria - to help it adopt results-based financing in fighting these deadly  diseases.  该行目前与全球基金合作抗击艾滋、肺结核和疟疾,在对抗这些致命疾病上帮助采取结果为基础的融资。

Other major funding groups also are studying the plan. Similar programs might help keep girls in school where they can learn job skills and, at the same time,  discourage child marriages and prevent teen pregnancy. The end result would be healthier mothers and babies.

