
   No. 47 This is a lovely desk

  Conversation 1
  This is a lovely wood desk.
  Yes, it's an antic.
  Conversation 2
  Do you have any antic dolls?
  Yes, we have quite a collection of fine porcelain dolls from the early nineteen hundreds.
  Conversation 3
  I saw a beautiful piece of glass here last week. Do you still have it?
  No, I'm afraid we sold that. But we just got some other glassware in.
  I'm a collector of glassware.
  Then I'm sure you find these pieces interesting.
  antic n. 滑稽动作;丑角 adj. 古怪的;滑稽可笑的
  porcelain n. 瓷;瓷器 adj. 瓷制的;精美的
  glassware n. 玻璃器皿
  collector n. 收藏家;收税员;征收者