NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2013-11-07(在线收听

 New Jersey governor Chris Christie has won a second term in office. The Republican defeated the Democrat Bob McDonnell. NPR's Joel Rose has more. 

Chris Christie cruised to an easy victory. Christie was popular even before Hurricane Sandy, but his approval rating soared in the wake of storm as he helped lead New Jersey's recovery. Christie is stalled to be positioning himself to run for president in 2016 as a moderate alternative to the more conservative wing of the GOP, and his reelection should do nothing to discourage those ambitions. Christie's opponent, Democrat State Senator Bob McDonnell tried to persuade voters that he's more interested in governing New Jersey than in seeking national office, but he was never able to compete with Christie name recognition or superior fundraising. Joel Rose, NPR News. 
The Virginia governor race is turning out to be a lot more interesting than some have believed might be the case. This point is no call yet at race, putting Democratic Party insider Terry McAuliffe against Republican Tea Party favor Ken Cuccinelli. Record amount of money for McAuliffe’s campaign would spat the race appears to be tighter than many expected. Cuccinelli is focusing on attacking on President Obama signature healthcare law. Meanwhile, polls are closing this hour in New York City where a new mayor will be elected to replace long-time office holder Michael Bloomberg. 
Illinois is about to become the 15th state to legalize same sex marriage after both chambers of state’s legislature passed the bill to allow same sex couples to marry. NPR’s David Schaper reports, Illinois governor has @@ the measure he would be signing into the law. 
Illinois Senate first approved the measure legalizing same-sex marriage last Valentine’s day. But the bill languished in Illinois House for months. Sponsors wouldn’t even call a vote until they believed they had enough support. 
“As all voters’ wish”
Which is finally happening in late afternoon. 
“Please state for the record, on this question is 61 voting yes; 54 voting no; 2 voting present and this bill having received a constitutional majority is hereby declared passed.”
Supporters in the gallery stood in cheer after a bill they want approval was just 1 vote to spare. Illinois governor Pat Quinn says legalizing gay marriage put the state on the right side of history. David Schaper, NPR News, Chicago. 
Key measure of home prices was up slightly in September. Corelogic, a firm tracks  real estate prices, says its home price index rose 0.2% in September from the previous month while below the increases posted during the previous two month, while the firm says prices compared with a year ago are still up more than 12% nationwide. Higher mortgage interests rate coupled the escalating home prices have begun to wield on sales. Even so the average rate on fixed rate on mortgage loan is still about 4%, within half a point near its historic low. 
A mixed closing on Wall Street today while investors poor over seasonal third quarter earning’s numbers. The Dow was down 20 points to close 15,618; the NASDAQ gained 3 points, ending the cession at the 3,939. This @@ S&P 500 closed down 4 points to 1,762.
You’re listening to NPR News in Washington. 
President Obama says US business is looking for quick passage of immigration reform on Capitol Hill. President's meeting today with business leaders in the White House as part of the efforts to press House members to pass legislation to overhaul the current immigration system. US Chamber for Commerce is lobbying lawmakers to pass the measure, and tomorrow the FOCIO will announce its plans to push for passage. Senate has already approved the legislation which secures the nation's border while at same time providing a passage to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants who entered US illegally. 
Secretary of State John Kerry has arrived in Israel to try to push forward peace negotiations between Israel and Palestinian authorities. NPR's Emily Harris explains he comes as patience from both sides is starting to wear thin. 
Kerry's first stop with the memorial to former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who is assassinated 18 years ago. The Oslo peace deal signed under Rabin did not lead to the end of Palestinian-Israel conflict. At that memorial, Kerry says he's still trying. 
"I come here without any illusion about the difficulties, but I come here to determine to work with leaders with Prime Minister, with the president of Palestinian authority to try to find the way forward."
Kerry’ll meet both leaders on Wednesday. Already this week, one Israeli lawmaker has accused the Palestinian of showing no flexibility and the Palestinian authority president has said the talks have produced no results so far. Emily Harris, NPR News, Jerusalem. 
Mystery of a giant four-story barged Google’s building in San Francisco Bay continue to be one-full. So far, Google's managing to conceal the purpose of the structure.  experts of environment and legal authority say they're concerned about whether Google by placing the construction on barge maybe try to avoid city building permit. 