NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2013-11-12(在线收听

 From NPR News in Washington,I am Babara Cline.

In the central Phillipines witnesses describe corps and sidewalks in street even hanging from trees as relief workers try to reach areas cut off by flooding from Friday's super typoon when    170 miles an hour wiped up wall of water about 15 feet high that wipe down most things in its path.In the Phillipines's Rural Armoun reports residences are in desperate needs of the basics.
   low,people are complainning of petty violence   and the biggest issue from residence there they say is hunger thirsty they don't have acess to drink water and even going to sea they try to save people becasue getting in   ,they are definitely shortage of medicine and issue with thisrty.Reporter Arual drown in Manila.
Syrian opposition leaders are meeting in Istanbul to discuss possible peace talks with the Assad regime.NPR's Susan reports sources within the west bank opposition coaliation are promising to seek approval from Syria's rebel fighters before agree to any conference.
The coaliation is facing increasing criticism lately that it's out of touch with Syrian's underground.The oppositon group is made up mainly of exciles who conducted almost all of their work outside of Syria attending meetings in Istanbul,Caito,London and else where,meanwhile inside Syria coaliation's armed branch is also losing support,if groups with Jehada is proved to be more affective fighters.In Sep a handful of berg fought on behalf of the coaliation dennouce the opposition in excile and thro their    with Islamist and braller group.The so-called Geniva peace talks had been planned for late Nov,but would delayed again due to ranglling over preconditions.For NPR News,I am Susan George in Berute.
Fresh landslide reelection last week Newjersy governor Cris Cristy has advice for his republican party reach out to minority voters and tell them why GOP policies are better than those of the Democrat.NPR 's Neson reports.
Cris Cristy's 22% point margin of victory in last week's     election earnned some national attention not just bacause he as a republican sweep through a primiarily blue state but he as a republican had a better than average showing with minority voters.   poll show that he won 50% of the Hispanic vote.On NBC's meet press Cristy said there is a lesson in that.
What the election showed was that if you want to attract majority of the Hispanic vote,if you want to nearly tripple your African American voters is republican what you need you to do show up.
Cristy say that he didn't plan to take that stratrgy to a bational level yet,he said for now his focus is on New jersy.Neson Rad,NPR News.
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It's turnning out to be a better year than expected from any corn growers in the midlle west,NPR's David reports this year's harvest is bring in a record size crops.
After a devastating drought destroied many farmers' crop last year,this year's growing season got off a very wet and uncertain start,heavy rains and flood feilds delays breeing plant,later summer heat further stressed crops but after a worring there might not be much harvest corn growers say their corps are much better than expected.So ggod that the US DA reports this year's harvest will total nearly 14 billions bushals of goans smashing the 2009 record crop of 13.1 billions bushals.Demands for corn is up this year too,but not enough to raise prices much.Friday's closing corn price at the Chicago Board of Trade is 40% lower than corn prices last year.Davis Sheeper,NPR News,Chicago.
The weightlose supplement ALXI si being recalled,US pay labs is volunteerly recalling the products which    a fat burner after the fda says it's linked to deliver illness.
Suspended Maiami Dor Carnido says lock room cultures one of the brotherhood and he didn't intend to bullet teammate Jonanson Martain.
This isn't an issue of born,this is an issue of mine relationship where I may take staff too far and I didn't know was hurting him.
In an interview with Fox Carnido said Martain sent him a text message threatening to kill his family and he never thought Martain was serious becasue it is how they communicate he said.Martain who is left the team a lecture in Carnido harrassed him.
I am Babara Cline,NPR News in Washington.