NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2013-11-16(在线收听

 President Obama says he has heard Americans loud and clear who have seen their old health insurance policy go away to change the new healthcare law.As a result the president announced today for one year insurance company will be able to keep offering consumers  plans and other wise it would be cancled as a result of the law.

The bottom line is insures can expand,current plans that would other wise be cancled in 2014 and Americans whose plans have been cancled can choose to reroll in the same kind of plans.
Speaking at a White House news conference Obama also noted while the first month in ruban numbers under the plan are lagging,he nonthlese is vowing to build a beeter healthcare system for every American.
Janet Yellin president Obama's nomittee the succeed Ben Bernanke at the federal reserve defended the central bank's stimulus policy at the Capitol Hill today.NPR's Jonnes reports Yellin's strong performance for the senate banking committee put her close to become the first woman ever to lead the fed.
Yellin was poised in ferm response to questions,she cut concerns about the effectiveness of the fed's 85 billion dollar month stimulus program saying it has clearly help the economy by lowering interests.
This has been a positive factor in generating the recovery of the Houseing sector.We have seen a very meaningful recovery in one of the bill sales    by low interests
Yellin says the timeing of moved a dyback stimulus depends on the health of the economy.The bank committee could vote to centor nomination to the full senate as early as next week.Jone Nesty,NPR News,Washington.
With a death toll continuing to rise in the Phillipines following last week's typhoon getting it old  .The BBC's Rupter in Tarklaban reports on efforts state recover from the typhoon.
At one distreet near the airport the police told us they had picked up more than 100 bodies this morning.It's a grim task but vital if the world is ever to learn the true death toll from typhoon haida.The aid effort is still only just beginning,there is still no large scale food distribution taking place and won't be for several more days.But for the first time in the week the people of Takilabn has staring to feel as if they haven't been forgotten by the rest of the world.BBC's Rupter Hasi.
Defence contractor Lucky Martain is vealing the jobs cutting acts the company's announce today will be illuminating 400 jobs 3.5% of its work force ways to lower cost    reduce government spending.The company says it plans to close plants in Arizona,Pensivia,Texas as well as   buildings at its California camps.
On Wall Street today the Don Jones industry average closed up 54 points end the day at 15,876,the s&p 500 rose 8 points,closing at 1790.You are listening to NPR.
More than 40 people are dead after a suicide attack in twin bombings in Iraq today,the explosion is apparently targetting Sheik there who are marking a religious ritue.Retui say more than 100 others were wounded in the attack, ritul's observe issue over 10 day period but it has been mard by violent  attacks by extremists.
Intelligence official say they think the US nolonger faces a significant threat of another 911 stytle attack from Alqad,NPR's Kerry Jones reports the big concerns now are cyber attacks,homeground radicals people returnning from the fighting Syria.
At his first congressional appearance as the new FBI director Jame Tory told the senate homeland security committee that cyber attacks represent a challenge.
At cyber sorts of I think it is an evil lyer   trying to steal information, their terrorists,their organized criminal groups,their hacktivist,their identidy thieves 
Comy says risks of cyber strike could well displace terrorism as the biggest priority for the FBI in the course of his 10 years term.Comy alos says he has no objection law makers interviewing vitnesses about last year deadly strike against US interest in Begaze Lybia.Kerry Jones,NPR News,Washington.
   dead levels rise last quater for the first time in 5 years with as much apparently outof sutdents loan debt taken on its people sorch retrain themselves for new positions in the workforce.Federal reserve boy says total consumer in debtness  was 1.1%    11 points to 8 trillion dollars during the third quater the biggest jumption in 2008 since the collapsed housing market Americans have been wadding down their debts, Americans did boost their credit card borrowing they also borrowed more to buy homes and cars and took on more student loan debts.
I am Jack Speer,NPR News in Washington.