NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2013-11-19(在线收听

 From NPR News in Washington,I am Barbara Cline.

In central and southern Illinoi the death toll has climbed to 5 after a strong serious tornados and heavy storms ripped across the mid west Ohio valley.Alex Reshiano of a member station WCBU reports Washington Illionoi is among the areas hardest hit.
Houndreds of prople picked through the rubble of the remain of their homes in a town of about 15,000.The tornado destroyed entire bolcks of homes.Resident Susan Newton lives next door to trails edge neighbourhood that was heavily damaged.She said the tornado demolished most fore street while she was a church.
Most neighbours had lost their entire home and last night we were at a dinner party at front of home is gone gone,there is nothing left
Ambulances continue to race across town and traffic near Washington was backed up for miles.Emergency shelters are set up across the community.For NPR News,I am Alex in Period.
In Egypt the interior ministry says an unidentified gunman shot and killed a senior national security officer late today near his home at Cairo suburb.The  work for the branch of Egypt's national security agency that oversees monitoring of Islamist groups including The Muslim brotherhood.
In the Libian capital of Tripoli residents held a general strike today to protest ongoing lawlessness in the city.They are demanding that many armed militias operating there be dispanded.The strike comes after militias fired on thousands demostrators Friday killing 43 people.The militias are made up of former rebels against the Gadafi regime who are anow rivals.
Emergency official in Russia say a Boeing 737 airliner has crashed killing all 50 people on board.From Moscow NPR's Cory reports the plane crashed while trying to land in the central Russia city of Kazan.
Official say the Tataerstan airlines jet was carrying 44 passengers and 6 crew members when it went down.So far there has been no indication of what caused the crash which reportedly acurry the plane was making a second attempted landing.Weather in the area was reported to be miled,the flight was just completing the 450 mile trip from Moscow to Kazan.Russia has had a serious deadly crases in recent years some of which have been blamed on the neglect of safety procedures,poor crew training and weak government oversight.Cory NPR News,Moscow.
Nobel prize winning novelist Lesin has died.Her early life in Persa,Iran and Southern Audia now in Zinbabuwi profoundedly affected her writing.Lisen took on European colonelism in Africa,race and faminism all coming together in her novel The golden note book which brought her international claim.Lisen died at her home in London,she was 94.
This is NPR.
Phillipine president Arkino today visited some of the area's devastated by typhoon Haiyan more than a week ago and he says he is not leaving.After stopping in the hardest hit province,Arkino says he stays until he sees more progress in the recovery efforts.
Scientists are sounding a warnning about rising sea levels but this time they are not pointing to green house gases.They say several earthquakes under the Artactic Ished could indicate an active volcano during there.NPR's Richard Harris reports an enruption could melt ties and push sea levels higher.
Scientists measured swarms of earthquakes in west Artactic during expeditions in 2010 and 2011,they resemble the kinds of earthquakes caused by magma moving under a volcano.There is no indication that an enruption is likely any time soon,but the sicentists report in a nature geosciences that they found signs of vocanake ash from an eruption would have occured 8000 years ago.Scientists say an eruption probablely wouldn't blast through the ice which is about a mile thick this location,but they say a bared vocano could melt a lot ice and that water could lubcate the under site of this ished sending surging into the ocean and casusing sea level to rise.Richard Harris,NPR News.
The Forbes family is looking for buyer of his magazine and web publications. Forbes is best known for its coverage of wealth,finance and offering rankings of the world's richest people.The company's CEO told employees Friday that more than a few potential buyers have expressed interest.Forbes like other magazine publishers has had to deal with consumers and advertisers shifting away from print in the digital world.
I am Barbara Cline,NPR News in Washington.