澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-08-01(在线收听

 The Federal Government is slugging smokers to help pay for its policies. It’s putting up the tobacco excise by 12.5% a year over the next four years. The move will raise more than five billion dollars.

Labor is moving quickly to try to minimize the damage from yesterday’s damning ICAT report. Its national executive will sign off on new rules today to crack down on corruption in the New South Wales branch. The state’s corruption inquiry has recommended criminal charges against two former Labor ministers Ian McDonald and Eddie Obeid. 
Essendon’s former high performance manager is calling on the club’s coach James Hird to stand down. In a paid interview at Channel 7, Dean Robinson accused Hird of being the driving force behind the club’s controversial supplements program. The club says the allegations are outrageous.
Sacked cricket coach Mickey Arthur has reached a confidential settlement with Cricket Australia. A deal was done after a marathon 14 hours’ mediation over two days in the Fairwork Commission. The settlement is believed to be significantly lower than the four million dollars that the former coach initially asked for. 
The poll’s closing in Zimbabwe in an election that will decide the future of Africa’s oldest leader Rob Mugabe. Mr Mugabe who has been in power since 1980 has promised to step down if he loses. A record turnout saw long queues at pooling booth. Violence marred the last poll in 2009 and led to an uneasy power sharing deal.