澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-08-05(在线收听

 US embassies are on terrorism alert across the Arab world. Twenty-one embassies and consulates right across the Middle East and North Africa will remain close until the end of this week. Security is particularly tight in Yemen’s capital where Britain, France and Germany have also closed their embassies. 

Officials in Pakistan say at least 45 people have died in floods caused by torrential rain. The country’s biggest city Karachi is among the worst hit. Many people were electrocuted or they died when their homes were swept away. Floods have also killed dozens of people in Afghanistan. 
The Italian coastguard has rescued hundreds of asylum seekers from North Africa who were trying to reach Europe by boat. More than 250 people were picked up in three separate operations. Now they've been transferred to the southern Italian Island of Lampedusa. Survivors say three Somali women died during the five-day crossing.
A new report shows Australians are embracing solar energy. The Climate Commission Solar Energy Report shows more than 10% of Australians have installed solar panels on their homes. Most of the growth has been in the mortgage belt suburbs of Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.
And Peter Capaldi has been named the new Doctor Who. He’s the 12th actor to play the doctor and he’s best known for his role as the foul-mouthed spin doctor Malcolm Tucker in the BBC series “The Thick of It”.