英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-09-06(在线收听

 The Coalition has been left for red faced by an embarrassing backflip on its Internet safety policy. The original document released online yesterday contained plans for a compulsory Internet filter to block adult content. Opposition leader Tony Abbott says that was mistake and he’s blame poor wording for the blunder.

The Coalition is defending its plan to cut foreign aid. The Opposition has announced that it'd slice four and an hour billion off the foregin aid budget as part of its plan to reign in spending. Aid Ogragnizations say they surprised and diappointed by the proposal. The Opposition is also counting on saving a billion dollars by stopping asylum boats.
World leaders have gathered in Russia for the start of the G20 summit. The Syrian crisis isn’t officially on the agenda but it is set to dominant talks behind the scenes. U.S president Barack Obama is pushing for military action against Syria over its use of chemical weapons. 
Egypt’s Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim has escaped an assassination attempt. A bomb attack targeted Mr.Ibrahim’s convoy near his home in Cairo. Security Officials say the blast appeared to have been caused by a suicide car bomb. More than 20 people including several of his guards and passers-by were injured.
Dozens of people have been injured in a massive pile-up on a highway in Britain. Check this out. More than 130 vehicles were involved in a series of crashes in thick fog on a bridge in Kent in the southeast. 