英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-09-16(在线收听

 Leading the news this morning.Tony Abbott is expected to announce his new ministry today. The prime minister elect meets replaced Sophie Mirebella who has ruled herself out of contention, while she battles to retain her seat. Julie Bishop is likely to be the only woman in the Abbott cabinet. 

Six men have now been charged in connection with an alleged match-fixing ring in Victoria. A 45-year-old man faces court in Melbourne this morning. The other five will appear in court on Friday. They are among ten members of Victoria's soccer clue “Southern Stars” who were arrested over the weekend.
The Royal Commission of the child sex abuse begins its first public hearing in Sydney today. The scouts will be among five institutions in the spotlight this week. The hearings are expected to continue for at least three years.
A Syrian government minister says the deal between the U.S. and Russia that confiscates the country's chemical weapons is a victory that averts war. Syria has a week to provide the full details of its chemical stockpile and the weapons will be eliminated by the middle of next year.
And a wave of bomb attacks across Iraq has killed at least 48 people. The deadly attack was in the city of Hilla, south of Baghdad, where two car bombs in a market killed at least 15 civilians. Another attack targeted a convoy carrying a senior Sunni lawmaker who escaped unharmed.