英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-11-05(在线收听

 A 13-year old girl is the latest victim of Sydney's gun violence. She was shot in the back when several bullets were fired into a house at Blacktown in the city's west. She is now in a stable condition in hospital. Two man have died and three have been injured in a spate of shooting in Sydney over the past fortnight.

A Melbourne police officer is in hospital after he was impaled on a fence in St Kilda. The 35-year-old officer was investigating an alarm at a house just after 1:30 this morning. It's believed he was trying to jump a pool fence when his leg was pierced. He suffered serious injuries to his cuff. 
Up to 100,000 people is expected to flock to Flemington today for the running of the Melbourne Cup. The field is one of most open in years. Trainer Gai Waterhouse is hoping to snail her first cup victory with the important stayer of Fiorente firming as favorite. 
Analyst Cigret says it is a safe bet that the Reserve Bank will keep interest rate on hold when it meets today. Improvement in jobs figures and retail sales as well as rising house prices virtually guarantee the official rate will stay at 2.5%.
And a defiant Mohammad Morsi has gone on trial amid tight security in Egypt. Mr Morsi who was ousted last July insisted he remains the legitimate president. He and 14 other Muslims brotherhood members face charges of inciting violence that led to the death of protesters.