英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-11-06(在线收听

 To finance. And as the Federal Government contemplates further assistance for the car industry, a new report out today is calling for an end to industry subsidies. 

The Committee for Economic Development of Australia says there needs to be an urgent overhaul of the tax system to boost productivity. 
“We need a national productivity policy that covers not only tax reform, but also looks at things like infrastructure and education. I mean we are saying as well, but there needs to be a very careful examination as to whether subsidies for those industries are not contributing to Australia's economic well-being, should in fact continue into the future. But these are big picture issues. These are issues which the Commonwealth government needs to display some leadership on. "
Steve Martin there. 
To the markets. 
And the Dow has dropped 15 points. The Nasdaq has risen 6. The S&P 500 is steady. In London, the FTSE is 17 points lower. 
Look at commodity prices. 
West Texas Crude is trading at 93 US dollars a barrel. Tapis is at 114. Gold is worth 1311 US dollars an ounce. 
The Australian dollar is buying 95 US cents, 71 Euro cents and 59 pence sterling.