万花筒 2013-10-27&10-31 姐弟失散30年重聚 同为海军军官(在线收听

 With a quick salute anda long hug, these siblings closed thegap on more than thirty years.

“It’s the greatest thing , I ‘ve looked for him for a long, long time. And nowhere he is. And it’s just great.”
"Never in a million years did I think I would be standing here with thissituation."
The brother and sister arefrom Denver. They last saw each other in the late 70s when Robert was only six."We share different mothers, so yeah my dad went a different way from mymother, so wejust lost touch."
But, as adults, the twonever stopped looking for each other. "I tried looking on Facebook butthere are a million Robert Willaimsons and a million Bobby Williamsons with nopictures, and I wouldn't have known what he looked like then anyway. So, Itried... we did a People Search."
Cindy finally reached outto her father who told her Robert was in the navy too. Cindy's chief pettyofficer found Robert and called him within minutes. "He said, 'Well, I'mpretty sure my boss is your sister, do you have a sister named Cindy?' And Ijust went silent."
Since that call two monthsago, the siblings have been talking on the phone and e-mailing, but there isstill a lot of catching-up to do.
"Just the littlethings you forget to ask when you are talking on the phone, because there areso many things you want to ask."
"He's never left mymind ever. I always wanted to find him and now I have."
Since reconnecting, Cindyand Robber realized they like some of the same foods and even have the sametaste in TV shows. They plan to spend this weekend together getting to knoweach other, and each other’ families. At the Naval Medical center, DaynaRice, 10 news.