
   Piano at the Proms

  Going for Grieg
  A talent for the Romantics
  Aug 13th 2011 | from the print edition
  Playing from the sole
  ALICE SARA OTT, a German-Japanese pianist, has been impressing audiences and music executives since 2002, when, at the age of 14, she was named the most promising artist in Japan’s Hamamatsu International Piano Academy competition. On August 8th she chose Edvard Grieg’s concerto in A minor for her Proms debut at London’s Royal Albert Hall.
  爱丽丝.纱良.奥特,德国日籍钢琴家, 自2002年,14岁的奥特在日本宾松国际钢琴专业比赛上,被誉为最有潜力的钢琴家之后,她一直受到观众和音乐专家的好评。今年的8月8日,奥特选择了爱德华-格里格的A小调协奏曲,拉开了在伦敦皇家埃尔伯特音乐厅夏季钢琴音乐会的序幕。
  At 23, Ms Ott is just a year younger than Grieg, a 19th-century Norwegian composer, was when he penned his iconic—and only—piano concerto in 1868. Hugely popular, the piece has been recorded by pianists as well known as Arthur Rubinstein and, more recently, Leif Ove Andsnes. Ms Ott is used to comparisons with high-profile performers. Last November she replaced an ailing Lang Lang at a day’s notice and performed Liszt’s first piano concerto with the London Symphony Orchestra to critical acclaim. Even so, the Grieg was a brave choice.
  His concerto is performed so often that its emotional depth can easily be overlooked. Yet the Norwegian was, above all, a master of the miniature with a particular ability to convey emotional subtlety within the confines of a single phrase or chord progression. Ms Ott, who always plays in bare feet, marked these nuances with an unusual lightness and a tenderness that is more often associated with the intimacy of chamber music or solo performances.
  The slow theme of the third movement, first by the flute, then echoed in the piano part, laid bare the simple, tremolo harmonies of the string section and emphasised the delicate lyricism of the melody. Ms Ott was at her best in these moments, employing a lucid technique, warm touch and close ensemble with the orchestra.
  A product of the late Romantic period, the concerto also has its heroic symphonic sections. Ms Ott delivered cascading double octaves, arresting chords and keyboard-sweeping arpeggios with great control. The Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra also gave an impressive performance under Sakari Oramo.
  Ms Ott chose as her encore another popular concert-hall piece, Liszt’s “Grandes ?tudes de Paganini No. 3”, nicknamed “La Campanella”. Liszt, himself a piano prodigy, also adored Grieg’s concerto. When he visited the Norwegian in Rome in 1870, he purportedly sight-read the concerto in its entirety, leapt up in delight and exclaimed to Grieg, “You carry on, my friend; you have the real stuff in you. And don’t ever let them frighten you!” These words could also be valid for the precocious Ms Ott. Her performance established her once again as an artist to watch.