美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-12-07(在线收听

 1. Detroit’s Mayor says bankruptcy for the city will be hard, but ultimately, can help. A judge ruled Detroit is eligible to shed billions in debt through bankruptcy. Unions, pensioners and retirees fear they will lose money and vowed to appeal.

2. The US House Representatives paused for a moment silence today to honour the victims of the Sunday’s commuter train derailment in New York City. Four passengers were killed. 
3. President Barack Obama says his signature healthcare law is working. But its benefits have gotten lost amid problems with healthcare.gov website. He warned Republicans critics that he would fight any efforts to roll it back. 
4. More than 600 pieces of Cartier Jewellery will soon go on display in Paris. The exhibition is dedicated to Louise Francois Cartier, dubbed by one English monarch as “the Jeweler of Kings and the King of Jewelers”. 