美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-12-30(在线收听

 1. Thousands residents gathered in the Egyptian city of Mansoura  Tuesday, to mourn the victims of a deadly bombing in the police headquarter. At least 13 people were killed and dozens more injured in the attack , that the government has blamed on Islamic militants.

2. 2 American Astronauts took their second space walk in 4 days, to make final critical repairs to the international space station's cooling system. Astronaut Mike Hopkins said it felt like he was opening a presence on Christmas morning, as they successfully installed a new pump module.
3. Back on earth, the day before Christmas was looking a lot like today after Christmas as stores attempted to lure in last minute's shoppers, with special deals and discounts, on the heels of what analysts say has been a disappointing season.
4. And "Bah, humbug!". Police say a man dressed as Santa Claus was shot in the back with pellet gun at a toy giveaway in the nation's capital. He was taken to the hospital with non life threatening injury. 