NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2013-12-18(在线收听

 A federal judge in Washington fines the NSA bo collection program for American phone records is likely unconstitutional,    judge Richard Lin also expresses doubts the program help fight terrorism. NPR's Carry Johnson reports the justice department is reviewing the decision.

Sometimes blinstering language the federal judge pointed by president George W Bush says time has changed since 1979, the last time the supreme court proved collection of U.S. medidata without a warrant. Judge Richard Lin says advances in technology in people's use of cellphones mean that old case no longer holds. The judge says the sweeping NSA collection violates the fourth manmade protection against unreasonable search our cesers. He seat it as ruling because of the justice department time to upheal. His ruling is the first on the subject, but won't be the last. A judge in NY is considering the same issue in a case file by the ACLU. Carry Johnson, NPR News, Washington.
Authority drug administration is calling on makers of Andibank soups and other products claimed of killing jerms, not only prove their products work but also to prove they may not actually making things worse. They    announcing today to revisting safety of number of chemical    in places of such products including tracloshin. Some recent studies suggest not only the chemicals in a fear of holmon levels may be contributing to the growth of drug resistence backtria.
A man who flees donators' out of 100 million dollars from national verteran's charity has been ordered to spend next 20 years in prison, Prion Buli of WCPN reports from Cliverland the court sentenced Boby Topson today for    , money laundering, thieft idendity thieft.
Authorities say 67 year old Bobby Topson billed people on Ohio and fourty other states for near a decade unilizing tele marketers, mutiple bank counts and   mail boxes. The Ohio attorney general's office prosecut Topson and wonder the 41 year term in 6.3 million dollar fine. Even though Judge Steve cut both bank sentencing Topson, attorney general Mike says he is final the outcome.
Police with decision within justice was done, considering Bobby Topson's age, this could consiverbally be a life sentence.
Bobby Topson    radically during the trail, sometimes ben head against the wall and appearing the shevle at times.   wants a new trial. For NPR News, I am Briobal in Cliveralnd.
He spent the decades country music famer reprice according to a family member died today at his Texas home, Price     contemporary the music business coming to a long battle with panquit cancer.   spent more than 60 years, price won from Texas hokey talker to country cooner.  price was 87 years old.
On Wall Street today the Don Jones industry average gained 129 points to close at 15,884, the s&p 500 was up 11 points. You are listening to NPR News in Washington.
With a federal reserve's powerful open market comitte set to hold its final meeting of the year this week, outgoing fed chairman Ben Bernanke says the body must clearly explains its decisions, so work to convince people the actions in their best interests. Bernanke's prepared comments comingly in relation to advant celebrate the fed's Santinio which officially is next week. That meets to tomorrow in Wensday when policy makers be looking whether to continue 85 billion month bond purchases aimed at boosting the economy. 
A meth mister in Pensivenia who is displaying last month   his gay son's wedding is to continue his work in  GBT committ even it means he is defraut. Npr's John Bernat reports.
Reverin was convicted at a church trial of violating the methetic book of displine which oppses gay marriage and he was given a 30 day suspension. But the 51 year old cology man from central Pensalvnia said at a press conference in Philidophia that he would not abide by his denomination's rules nor he would quit. He said church doctor is country dictory, on the one hand prohibit pasters from blessing same sex union, on the other it says to minister to all people. Shifer says he has received houndreds of pertations from gay people and colleagues asking him not to surrond his conditionals, he has also received invitations to join the cloergy of other protast churches, but he says he wants to remain a methetist. Benat, NPR News.
According to a new study at chambering hot move rock located at bellow yellow stone national park is more than 2.5 times larger than previously thought. Jim Fale with the university of Utha says the assessment the chamber of the modi magnide is 55 miles long, 80 mlies wilde and rounds at the depths of three to nine miles benathe the earth's surface.   volcano could be strong enough to erupt at the strongest level in several million years.