经济学人457:印度航空业 在低迷中飞行(在线收听


  Air India.
  Flying low.
  India's flag carrier is in big trouble.
  WELL-TO-DO Indian graduates used to line up to join Air India. The national carrier was founded in 1932 and nicknamed the Maharajah. Singapore and Malaysia sought its advice when setting up their state airlines in the 1970s, as a former director recalls. "This was a temple of modern India," he sighs.
  印度的优秀毕业生曾经排着队要加入印度航空公司。这一国家航空公司成立于1932年,外号"大君 "。根据一位前任主管回忆,上世纪70年代,新加坡和马来西亚在创立自己国家的航空公司时,都曾向印度航空咨询意见。他叹息道:"它曾经是现代印度的神殿。"
  Today the Maharajah is looking shabby. Air India made an estimated loss of $1.45 billion in the 2011-12 fiscal year, according to the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation (CAPA), a consultancy. That was nearly three-quarters of the losses made by all Indian carriers combined. Air India has not made a net profit for six years. Its losses have ballooned since a disastrous 2007 merger with Indian Airlines, its state-owned counterpart for domestic routes (see chart). The union has sparked spats-the latest pilots' strike, which ended on July 3rd, cost almost $120m. The government bailed out the merged firm with $5.8 billion in April, after a $3.5 billion debt restructuring last year.
  Yet the government is unlikely to give up on the combined carriers, whose share of the domestic flight market has dropped from 42% to 16% over the past decade. It would be hard to attract a buyer. Air India spends over a quarter of its operating revenue on employees' pay and benefits; Jet Airways, a domestic rival, spends a tenth. The board approved a voluntary-retirement scheme for 5,000 staff this month, but needs the government's approval. The Maharajah is even thinking of selling its art collection.
  Air India keeps ticket prices uneconomically low. When it slashed prices last year, it forced others to follow suit. That, and India's high taxes on aviation fuel, make it hard for any airline to earn money. Only one of India's six carriers, Indigo, a budget airline, is expected to post a profit this year. Some blame the rise of Gulf airlines on international routes. "Emirates is now the national airline of India. That's what people say," sighs the retired Air India man.