美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-12-15(在线收听

 Hi, I'm Anderson Cooper, welcome to 360 podcast. A teen who killed four people all driving drunk avoid the prison sentence by arguring his victim of his family's wealth. Something called affluenza. Is that even valued defense? Plus, exclusive interview with the husband and father of two of the victims. Let's get started. 

We began. With the sentence handed out in the Texas court that Histan the family's four people who were killed by drunk driver six months ago. It was Father's Day weekend. A young woman with car trouble was stranded on the side of the road late at night. A mother and her daughter had no incline that their decision to be good samaritans to help out the stranded motorist would prove fatal, either to the youth passer who also stop to help. But the teenage who've been drinking heavily plot into the group of people with his truck that's ..... His lawer didn't deny he was drunk when he moded them down. It didn't contest any of the basic facts that the pxx presented. While the argue instead  was surprising. There defend, the 16 year-old who killed four innocent people with a victim too. A victim of his family's wealth. They even give it a name: afluenza. The judge agreed and the teen who faced up to 20 years behind bars got no prison time at all. 
We had over a hundred-eighty years of life taken future life, not a hundred-eighty years live, but a hundred-eighty years future life taken. They are my wife and daughter. 
You just heard Axx's wife and daughter were killed when the car that Eason Gary was driving slammed into them on the Father's Day weekend. Several teenages were riding a C? 's truck were injuried in the crash as well, the most seriously hurts surgeon Mxx remains paralyzed. Our boys told us he is now ready to talk. 
Mr. xxx, thank you so much for talking to us at this unimaginable time for you. I'm so sorry for your loss. When you heard the sentence that was handed down that this young man received only probation for killing your wife Hollie and your daughter Shelby as well as two other people. What went through your mind?
I was unprepared for the sentence that wad delivered. I knew we were talking, I knew we were in Jugapore, we had hope to be treated as adult. So we knew that there were some misintruction and we knew that even with a 20-year senates that he would be out of ? with a couple of years. And frankly, you know I was disappointed, I would be disappointed even a couple of years. Eligible for Bxx, because when you consider that victims at night, you consider four lives taken with a hundred-eighty years future life, not present life, future life. 
Do you have any doubt that if this young man did not come from a rich family? If he came from a poor family that the outcome would be different?
Oh, absolutely. My request to the court, request to even was that you know, he came from a life of privilege. It's interesting what if his psycologist use the term Afluenza that has just been basically given, he has been provided anything and everything and life. But you can ask for that even when presented with difficile circumstances that have been previously in trouble, this love of Afluenza, money would take care of it, who was a dress. So, I as well as some other victims express that, look, we understand he was a juenile, we understand rehabilitation ask to take her. But let's face it here, I mean, there need to be some justice here. 
Well, let me tell you, because,  as you know, the defense attorney said and I quote: there is nothing that the judge could have done to lessen the suffering from any of those families. That's not just true. 