CCTV9英语新闻:法国总统被曝与女演员有染 欲起诉八卦杂志(在线收听

French President Francois Hollande has threatened legal action against celebrity magazine Closer. The magazine claims Hollande is having a secret affair with French actress Julie Gayet.

Hollande says the report is an attack on his privacy, and he is considering possible action, including an appeal to court. But Hollande hasn’t denied the alleged affair. The magazine Closer on Friday published images showing a bodyguard and a helmeted man, who it says is Hollande, visiting the apartment of Julie Gayet. The magazine defends the publication of the photos, saying the images raise a question about the security of the president.


A man reads a copy of the Friday edition of French magazine Closer in Paris
on January 10, 2014, which carried a seven-page report on President Francois
Hollande's alleged infidelity.
