英语听力:探索发现 2012-04-08 荒野求生 澳洲金伯利—16(在线收听

 But as the landscape alters, there’re new dangers. Everything’s just changing now. Look, the weather is getting worse, the wind picking up. But also, this river is really widening, which means that it’s prime crocodile territory. There are two types of crocodiles in Australia. Salt water crocodiles are man-eaters and they tend to stay near the coast. So far, I’m only seeing fresh-water ones. But even these can attack. Hey, look, look, there you go. There’s a fresh water crocodile, 20 meters away. Let’s see if we can get up a little bit closer. He’s only a small one. Let’s keep an eye around as well. These fresh water crocs are fast. They can run up to 10 miles an hour at short bursts. So you’ve got to keep your distance. What they like here is all these shallow pools that they are just basking in. We’ve got quite a lot of these pools. Let’s just keep moving. Ok, this is a much safer distance to be. It’s about 50 meters back now from the bank. We need to keep that distance and keep following the river there. Freshies can be clearly identified by their long, thin snouts. There’s another, they are all over the place. 

Freshies tend to attack if cornered or surprised. I never want to find myself between a croc and the river. Here further downstream, you are more likely to run into salt water crocodiles. And at this time of year, they often head upstream, away from their usual coastal habitat. It’s their breeding season, and that makes them even more aggressive. See that? Look, it’s a salt water crocodile. You’ll be alright in this distance. These guys are the ones you want to watch out for. If he took me, he’d drag me into the water, death roll, and then rip me apart. And the chances of surviving over a crocodile attack in deep water are almost nil. Amazing to see so close. But this means there’re salties here. I don’t want to be close to the river. I’m gonna move back inland. Salties have broad round noses and they are considered to be Australia’s most dangerous animal. They are capable of biting with a force of 1 ton per square inch. And scientists believe it’s much stronger than a Tyrannosaurus rex.