英语听力:探索发现 2012-10-28 美洲大平原 American Serengeti—1(在线收听

 Denver International Airport is coming to life and about to receive the first arrivals today. By midnight, more than 1,500 aircrafts would’ve touched down here, delivering tens of thousands of people to this modern metropolis. But when did people first come to the plains?

It's not so long ago in the life story of the continent, just 13,000 years since this was a virgin territory. And back then, different giants cruised the landscape. Imagine if we could travel back in time and see these plains as they were then, emerging from the grip of the last great ice age, an area of pristine wilderness, stretching for one and a half million square miles, untouched by man and brimming with extraordinary animals. 
But 13,000 years ago, an even more extraordinary animal arrived. What if we could follow in the footsteps of these first hunters as they entered the unknown and staked their claim to these vast spaces? What would this wild new world have looked like through their eyes? And what strange creatures would they have encountered here on the American Serengeti?