美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-01-14(在线收听

 1. New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie moved quickly Thursday to stop a political scandal widening by firing one of his top aides. He also apologized for his staff, saying he didn’t know about the engineer traffic jams as retribution against a democratic mayor.

2. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is making a rare visit to an air force nuclear missile base in Wyoming. He hopes to boost morale among service members who safe guard the nation’s Minuteman 3 nuclear missiles. 
3. A suicide bomber blew himself up at a military recruiting centre in Baghdad on Thursday killing at least 21 people. The attack was widely seen as retaliation against the Iraqi government’s campaign to retake two cities overrun by al-Qaeda militants. 
4. And a ship full of supplies is on its way to the international space station. The unman rocket blasted off from Wallops Island, Virginia after a series of delays. 