英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-01-28(在线收听

 New evidence has exposed endemic corruption with Australia's construction industry. A joint 7:30&Fairfax Media investigation has found that high-raking officials in the CFMEU(Construction,Forestry, Mining and Energy Union)have helped organized crime figures secure a huge contract on building sites right across the country. Secret recordings and documents reveal bribery, extortion and  threats of violence are being used by corrupt rackets on major projects including the nation's largest Barangaroo. Melbourne crime boss Mick Gatto lobbied CFMEU officials to support Labor hire firms operated by Sydney underworld figure George Alex who has close ties to the Comanchero(西部黑手党)Bikie Gang. The head of the Federal Government building industry watchdog Nigel Hadgkiss says the scale of the corruption is simply staggering.

“Building and construction industry...ah...links itself to organised crime. There is a profit motive. There is continued criminal activity....ah...There is lots of cash around. There is violence and there is corruption.”
The Union, meanwhile, has launched an internal investigation. More on that story very shortly.
In other news, the prime minster is expected to announce today the former defense chief Peter Cosgrove will be Australia's next Governor General. It's understood he's been chosen to replace Quentin Bryce as the Queen's representative when her term expires in March. General Cosgrove serves as commander of the International peace-keeping mission in East Timor and of course, was later appointed chief of the defense force.