VOA常速英语2014--Assad Missing Syria Chemical Weapons Deadline 阿萨德未遵守叙利亚移交化武限期(在线收听


Assad Missing Syria Chemical Weapons Deadline 阿萨德未遵守叙利亚移交化武限期

STATE DEPARTMENT — Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has failed to meet Wednesday's deadline for turning over most of his chemical weapons under a deal brokered by the United States and Russia.

国务院 — 叙利亚总统阿萨德没有在星期三最后期限之前交出大部分化学武器,这个期限是美国和俄罗斯撮合的一项协议所设定的。

 Syria has turned over to international inspectors less than five percent of its chemical weapons, missing another deadline in its agreement to give up those stockpiles under threat of U.S. military action.


The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has said Damascus is not doing everything it can to meet that timetable. And that is unacceptable, according to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.


"Bashar al-Assad is not, in our judgment, fully in compliance because of the timing and the delays that have taken place contrary to the OPCW’s judgment that this could move faster. So the options are all the options that originally existed. No option has been taken off the table," said Kerry.

克里国务卿说: “我们认为阿萨德并没有完全遵守协议,因为时间点和推迟的情况,和禁止化武组织以为速度可能快些的评估相反。所以原先存在的那些选项仍然还在,一项都没有被排除。”

The agreement followed last August's chemical weapons attack in the suburbs of Damascus that killed hundreds. A United Nations investigation concluded that at least two of the rockets carrying deadly Sarin gas were fired from areas controlled by government forces.


President Assad denied responsibility for the attack, but agreed in September to hand over his chemical weapons in a deal that ultimately elevated his standing, said U.S. Institute of Peace analyst Steve Heydemann.


"I think it has transformed him from a pariah, a person that President Obama said had to go, described as illegitimate, into someone whose cooperation we depend on for implementation of this chemical weapons deal," said Heydemann.

美国和平研究所斯蒂夫·海德曼说: “我认为协议将他从一个被遗弃的贱民,一个奥巴马总统说必须下台、并形容为没有合法性的人,变为一个我们必须依赖他的合作来实施这个化武协议的人。”

More than 100,000 people have died in the Syrian conflict, and the use of chemical weapons has only strengthened President Assad, said former U.S. ambassador Adam Ereli.


"He has not had to pay a price for that. So frankly in the eyes of the Syrian people and his supporters, that's what got him more stature than any deal. They used them. They killed Syrians. And they didn't suffer any consequences. That's where the stature is," said Ereli.

前美国大使艾瑞里说: “他不需要为此付出代价。所以坦白说,在叙利亚人民和他的支持者眼中,那比任何协议还给他更多份量。他们用了化学武器。他们杀死了叙利亚人,但他们没有承受任何后果。那就是他的份量所在。”

Ereli also said that President Assad's stature was further enhanced by President Obama backing off his threat to strike Syria militarily over chemical weapons. However, this may have helped President Obama with Assad ally Iran, thinks American University professor Hillary Mann Leverett.


"For many Americans that's a bad thing. It shows us as weak. But for the Iranians it doesn't. It actually shows that maybe the Americans can do diplomacy. Maybe there can be conflict resolution. And so they're jumping at that opportunity," said Leverett.

美利坚大学希拉里·曼恩说: “对许多美国人而言,那是一件坏事,它显示我们软弱,不过对伊朗人却不是如此。它实际上显示,或许美国人可以从事外交。或许冲突可以解决。所以他们正在为那个机会雀跃。”

Heydeman pointed out that ending the Syrian violence will not depend on the chemical weapons deal. 


"I think it is a significant mistake if we view the success of this chemical weapons deal as somehow signaling a starting point or an opportunity to address some of the broader conflict dynamics that are really driving the violence in Syria. What we've seen is absolutely no diminution in the killing," said Heydemann.



U.S. officials have said they do not yet view Syria's chemical weapons delay as a formal violation of the agreement. Russian officials said they expect the Assad government to complete the handover of those weapons by the end of March.

