英语听力:2013-11-10 地平线:黑洞吞噬—23(在线收听

 There was now a pressing challenge to understand how black holes in their surrounding galaxies.  To be so intertwined.,professor Andy Fabian in the Cambridge University is one astronomer who began to look. 

Like the ripples, they travel out from his prattles. It's the extreme radiationposing out of black holes that Fabian turn to for clues. To see that radiation clearly, you need to look beyond the ordinary light of the stars. At one kind of mission, that's the firing signature afeeding black holes. 
Stars in everything are beautiful make galaxies in that. But there are a lot of other things going on out there. An enormous amount energy being released which we can ..aware of if we look with X-ray eyes. 
One class store of galaxies in particular, pursias, is a long standing object to fascination.250 million light years away, Fabian has spent 40 years studying this fascinating piece of the sky. 
What seem trading is this thing here. This is the central galaxy in the pusiasclass...here. In the fact, those red and blue staff going around it means that something’s going on.  
The far amount of stars hiding the hot pasias was early rebuilt when Fabian was able to look at the cluster in the X-ray part of the specter. 