名校励志英语演讲 110:21世纪的挑战(4)(在线收听

   As a result you have lifted literally hundreds of millions of people from poverty. Per capita income has more than doubled in the last decade. Most Chinese people are leading lives they could not have imagined just 20 years ago.

  Of course, these changes have also brought disruptions in settled patterns of life and work, and have imposed enormous strains on your environment. Once every urban Chinese was guaranteed employment in a state enterprise. Now you must compete in a job market. Once a Chinese worker had only to meet the demands of a central planner in Beijing. Now the global economy means all must match the quality and creativity of the rest of the world. For those who lack the right training and skills and support, this new world can be daunting.
  In the short-term, good, hardworking people—some, at least will find themselves unemployed. And, as all of you can see, there have been enormous environmental and economic and health care costs to the development pattern and the energy use pattern of the last 20 years—from air pollution to deforestation to acid rain and water shortage.
  校训:爱国 进步民生 科学(Patriotism Progress Democracy Science)
  北京大学,创建于 1889年,初名京师大学堂,辛亥革命后,于1912年改为现名。北京大学是中国近代第一所国立大学,被公认为中国最高综合性学府,也是亚洲和世界最重要的大学之一。在中国现代史上,北大是中国“新文化运动”与“五四运动”等运动的中心发祥地,也是多种政治思潮和社会理想在中国的最早传播地,有“中国政治晴雨表”之称,享有极高的声誉和重要的地位。