英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-02-06(在线收听

 The United Nations says the Vatican should immediately remove all priests who are known or suspected child abusers. Its unprecedented report accuses the Catholic church of adopting policies which have allowed priests to sexually abuse thousands of children. The Vatican says it will examine the report's findings.

Indonesia's Justice Minister has confirmed he will make a decision on Shapelle Corby's parole application tomorrow. Her case is one of almost 2,000 being assessed. Corby was jailed for 20 years in Bali in 2005 after authorities found more than four kilograms of marijuana in her bodyboard bag. If her parole is approved, Corby should be freed within a week. 
Drought relief will be top of the agenda when federal national MPs meet today. They are holding their first party room meeting of the year in the Queensland city of Bundaberg. Deputy nationals leader and Agricultural Minster Barnaby Joyce is preparing a cabinet submission on drought relief. He's just returned from a tour of drought-affected areas and is very keen to get feedback and ideas from his party colleagues.
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison says Malaysia is committed to helping Australia deter asylum seekers who may transit illegally through the country. Mr Morrison has visited the Malaysian Maritime Enforcemnent Agency for discussions on border protection. He's also announced Australia will be handing over two retired patrol boats to Malaysia to help that country fight people smugglers.