英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-02-12(在线收听

 The new head of the US Federal Reserve Janet Yellen says the Central Bank expects to continue trimming stimulus measures despite a stubbornly high jobless rate.

The unemployment rate is coming down, but Ms.Yellen says a labor market recovery is far from complete. 
“The unemployment rate is still well above levels that Federal open market committee participates. Estimate is consistent with maximum sustainable employment. Those out of a job for more than six months continue to make up an unusually large fraction of the unemployed. And the number of people who are working part-time but would prefer a full-time job remains very high. These observations underscore the importance of considering more than the unemployment rate when evaluating the condition of the US labor market. ”
Janet Yellen. To the markets now.
And those stimulus comments from Janet Yellen boosted the US market. In London overnight, the FTSE was also up strongly. 
To commodity prices.
West Texas Crude is trading at 100 US dollars a barrel. Tapis Crude is trading at 116 US dollars a barrel. And gold is trading at 1290 US dollars an ounce. 
The Australian dollar is buying 90 US cents, 66 Euro cents and 55 pence sterling.