英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-02-14(在线收听

 Shocked Tyabb residents have held a vigil for 11-year-old Luke Batty. The boy was killed by his father at a cricket oval southeast of Melbourne. Police fatally shot the 54-year-old when he launched at them with a knife. 

Doctors are calling for more federal funding for public hospitals after another poor report card. The latest AMA report into hospital performance shows many of them are failing to make their targets. Only 68 percent of emergency patients classified as urgent were seen within the recommended 30 minutes. 
Police have charged a teenager over the gangrape of a 14-year-old Sydney girl. The girl was walking home through a reserve at Doonside in Sydney's west on Saturday night when she was allegedly attacked by six males. A 16-year-old boy presented himself at the Blacktown police station late yesterday. He's been charged with sexual assault and will face court today. 
Police are investigating the death of a detainee at Melbourne's Maribyrnong detention centre. Staff found him unconscious last night. The man had been detained last month for overstaying his visa. Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has promised to support investigations into his death.
And the family of Shapelle Corby has made a public statement, rejecting claims that she is going to be paid for her story. There've been media reports that the convicted drug smuggler will receive two million dollars for an exclusive television interview. Shapelle Corby is on parole in Bali for three years. Indonesian authorities have warned her that she could sent back to prison if that paid interview goes ahead.