英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-02-17(在线收听

 The Department of Immigration has confirmed that there has been a disturbance at the Manus Island detention centre in Papua New Guinea. Immigration Minister Scott Morrison says there are reports that some asylum seekers have been arrested. He says there are also reports some have received medical attention and there's been some minor damage at the centre. 

Prime Minster Tony Abbott will visit Broken Hill today as part of his tour of drought-affected areas in New South Wales and Queensland. The Federal Government is expected to announce an assistance package within days. The prime minister has ruled out subsidizing struggling farmers. 
Two police have arrested two people after a fatal stabbing of a woman at Logan, south of Brisbane. A 23-year-old woman was stabbed in the chest late last night. Paramedics tried to revive her, but she died at the scene. A 41-year-old woman and a 49-year-old man who were known to the woman are assisting police.
The Royal Commission into child sexual abuse will move to Brisbane today. The hearings will focus on abuse at a Catholic primary school in Toowoomba, west of Brisbane. Thirteen girls at the school were sexually assaulted in 2007 and 2008.
In South Africa, an operation is underway to rescue a group of illegal gold miners trapped down an abandoned mining shaft near Johannesburg. The first of a group of 30 has been lifted to the surface. They've been trapped under the ground for more than a day. It's feared up to 200 others could be trapped further below the surface.