美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-02-26(在线收听

 1. Fireworks mark the end of the Winter Olympics in Sochi. The host country Russia won the most medals, a total of 33. Team USA finished second with 28. 

2. Ukraine’s political turmoil continues. While the president has left the capital of Kiev, he has not stepped down. In a special session on Sunday, Ukraine’s parliament voted to temporarily give presidential powers to the speaker, a top opposition leader. The move follows months of demonstrations in a week that left scores dead in violent clashes with police.
3. A faulty water heater pipe is being blamed for a deadly carbon monoxide leak on Long Island. Fumes spread the basement of a legal sea foods restaurant Saturday night. The restaurant’s manager died and dozens of people were hospitalized. 
4. And in Belgium, a special delivery arrives. A pair of giant pandas arrived via jet on loan from China.

