美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-02-26(在线收听

 Thank you for starting the last week of February with CNN student news. I am Carl, tem minutes for news brief of headlines of CNN news. 

There is a big question hovering over Ukraine right now. Who is in charge of the country? It does not like to be the president V. Over the weekend, Ukraine’s parliament voted to throw him out, appointed parliament speaker Alexander to take on presidential duties and schedule new election in late May. Y left the capital of Kiev, said he was forced out by, quote, vandalism crime and a coup. But he also said he was still Ukraine’s legitimate leader and did not plan to resign. This all happened due to protests in the capital. Some Ukrainians like the president to have closer ties with Russia; some want closer ties with European Union. People are mourning the dozens who died in recent clashes between the two sides. We do not know where the president did. We do not know what will happen next to Ukraine. 
Our second story today. Closing ceremonies form Sochi Russia, the 22 Olympic winter game was officially wrapped up last night. Spectacular fireworks and large scale * ring on the occasion. The para-Olympic starts early next month. As far as the final Olympic medal count goes, Russia got the most gold medals and the most medals overall, the first time a host country has done that since 1952. Russia has 33 medals. The US took home 28 medals overall. And in order, with 26, 25 and 24 medals, Norway, Canada, and then Netherlands. But among those athletes take home all over the world, medals and Olympic experiences were not the only things they took with them. G, a US silver medal athlete in free style ski, took home some dogs, 5 of them. There were thousands of strays living around the Sochi that led up to the games. G loves dogs.  When a friend showed him a photo of 4 puppies and their mother who needed a home, he decided to adopt them, taking home a dog family to his human family in the States. 
The top judicial branch of the US government has come to a case involving the executive and legislative branches. If congress does not pass a law on a particular issue, how much authority does the white house has? That is one question before the Supreme Court. The other involves gun rights. 
There is no shortage of controversy before the court. On Monday the justice could have decided the case that could significantly ban gun right. But national rights association is challenging a Texas law that bans anyone under 21 from carrying guns in public. The jury argueed about the second amendment in their self-defense, extends for responsibility from 18 to 20 years old as well. And the NLA has appealed a better ban on selling hand guns to minors, saying that also violate second amended rights. 
You have to have the supreme court recognize individual right to have guns. The question became what are the limitations be put on their right. 
Also on Monday the court had a case that could test the limit on president Obama’s push to use the executive power when congress won’t act. This time on climate change, an issue where the EPA went too far  when without congressional approval, it limited carbon emission from power plants, factories and other sources of greenhouse gases beyond cars and trucks.
On the constitutional side, this is the classic conflict between congress and white house. Congress has refused to give the president what he wants, and the EPA  is going alone.