NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2014-02-13(在线收听

 The Republican-controlled House has approved the bill raising the nation's debt limits and containing other provisions. As NPR's @@ reports, that's exactly what president Obama had insisted upon and what many House Republicans had opposed. 

House Speaker John Boehner recent years sits tight debt limits increasing to federal spending cuts, what he called the Boehner rule. But he abandoned that approach after he had unable to craft anything that would win enough Republican votes to reach the majority of full House. Boehner, nonetheless won over Obama for refusing the Africa session in return for increasing the nation's borrowing authority to avoid the default. 
"So president is driving up the debt and the president wanting to do nothing about the debt that's occurring, or not engaged in our long-term spending problem, and so let his party give him the debt ceiling increase that he wants."
Democrats provided the vast majority of the Yes vote. the proposal now goes to the Democrats currently controlled Senate, where a quick approval is expected. 
Some live in Georgia have already seen snow, according to reports, more on the way, including possible ice. president Obama announced its declared emergency of the state by making that declaration the White House clear the way for federal agencies to help the state and local state districts for the coming storm. Aaron Strickland, the emergency operation director of Georgia Power says the storm of ice and snow has potentially devastating. 
"This has the opportunity to be a huge event when you're talking about the amount of ice you're looking at."
Storm 2 weeks ago virtually paralyzed Atlanta, which is unused to winter weather. 
More results inform Winter Games in Sochi, and the American Olympic team just had well better days. Perhaps the most noticeable stun-never today's competition came the halfpipe. fans have been eagerly waiting star snowboarder Shaun White, recognizable by his flaming red hair to defend his 8-year-race of champion. Mr. White is backed up the extremely dangerous slow style event to better entirely unclenching another goal in halfpipe. NPR's Sonari Glinton says White did even medal. 
The flying tomato can't win the surprise. White finished in fourth in men snowboard halfpipe Tuesday evening. the goal medal went to Switzerland's Iouri Podladtchikov. they call him iPod and Jessica Jerome finished 10th with the United States contending in women's ski jumping. It was all bad news for the US. Erin Hamlin gives the US its first medal in women single luge by winning the bronze and in pairs ice skating Marissa Castelli and Simon Shnapir along with @@ and @@ advanced to their free programs. Sonari Glinton, NPR News, Sochi. 
number of one to going up December slow some coincident of the labor department job opening fell by 1%, just under 4 million. That was even as the number of jobs remain near 5.5 years high. 
on Wall Street, today the Dow was up 192 points to 15,994. 
You're listening to NPR News in Washington. 
President Obama, who is meeting this week in Washington with French president Francois Hollande, had a warning today for companies seeking to do businesses in Iran. Mr. Obama said those businesses had violated current sanctions in place against Teheran were filled the raft of the US. France and US are among the countries who have signed an internal agreement to halt the progress on the country's nuclear program in exchange for the easing of the international sanctions. some businesses, including a number of French firms, are apparently showing interesting of doing businesses with Iran since some sanctions have been ended. 
European Union has called for the formation of new government of Ukraine, which has been in a political crisis for nearly 3 months. NPR's Corey Flintoff reports the EU is offering economic help to Ukraine but only the country adopts democratic reform. 
Foreign ministers from 28 European Union nations issued a statement, saying Ukraine should form a new and inclusive government and prepare for free and fair presidential elections. it's the strongest statement yet from the EU although it started short of threatening sanctions against Ukraine government. Ukraine's crisis began last November when president Viktor Yanukovych backed down his promise to align the country with Europe. The decision sparked mass demonstration in Kyiv, the capital city that has continued ever since. Yanukovych has accepted a 15-billion-dollar loan package from Russia, which has been trying to keep Ukraine in its orbit. Corey Flintoff, NPR News. 
Singer Donovan, who sings "Sunshine Superman," "Mellow Yellow" and "Hurdy Gurdy Man", just is named with a few along with Kinks founder, Ray Davies be headlined this year adopted the songwriters Hall of Fame. Davies was adopted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1999. The summit will be held June 12 in New York. 