
The Merchant Of Venice 003

While Posha and Barshanio were talking. Vetanio and Nuisa came up to them. They said: “ We hope you will be very happy. We would like to be married at the same time as you. ”Of cause Posha and Barshanio were very pleased and agreed at once.

Then a messenger arrived from Venice with a letter for Barshanio. Barshanio opened the letter and began to read it. Soon his face became pale. Posha looked at Barshanio’s face and was sure something terrible had happened . She said if you have anything troubles you tell me what it is. Barshanio told Posha about the money which he had bought from Sharlock.. He also told her about the promise between Antonio and Sherlock. Barshanio handed the letter to Posha and she read it. Dear Barshanio my ships will never returned to port because they were all at see and my goods were lost. Now I have no money, so I can not pay back the money to Sherlock. I have to give a pound of my flesh. I am now ready to die. But I would like to see you before I do. Then the messenger told them that Sharlock wanted Antonio’s flesh immediately. And the poor Antonio was in prison. When Posha heard this, she told Barshanio to go and help his friend. But Posha wanted Barshnio to marry her before he left. So all four of them went to the church and got married.

Then Barshanio and Vetanio hurried to Venice to see Antonio. Posha kept thinking the way to save Antonio. Finally she decided to go to Venice herself. She sent a letter to a passager of hers. He was a famous and of clever judge. She asked him for advice and also asked him to lend her his judges’ clothes. Her cusion sent her the clothes at once. Posha told Niusha her about her plan. And Posha dressed herself as a judge and Nuisha dressed as a judge’s clerk. We have to speak, act and walk like a young man from now on. Posha told Niusha. Then Posha and Nuisha set off Venice to save Anotonio’s life.
