Hourly News 每日新闻 2013-10-10(在线收听

China and ASEAN vow to achieve closer ties in the next decade.

China and ASEAN are vowing to try to achieve closer ties through the next decade.
The pledge has been made in a joint-statement following a China-ASEAN leaders' meeting in Brunei.
Addressing the meeting, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has issued a new policy declaration for the new Chinese leadership for China-ASEAN ties over the next 10 years.
The Premier has put forward a seven-point proposal on promoting cooperation in various fields, stressing the importance of consolidating political trust.
The two sides have also promised to scale up two-way trade to one trillion U.S. dollars by 2020.

China calls for Korean Peninsular restraint

The Chinese government has issued another statement calling for restraint on the Korean Peninsula.
The comments come as North Korea has reportedly re-opened its Yongbyon nuclear reactor.
North Korea's official news agency has also said the country's military is "highly alert to promptly foil provocations".
Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying says the Chinese government will continue to pursue the de-nuclearization of the Peninsula as well as the early resumption of the so-called six-party talks.

Torrential rains caused by Typhoon Fitow continued to lash E. China

Torrential rains caused by Typhoon Fitow are continuing to hit Shanghai and Zhejiang Province in eastern China.
At least 10 people are confirmed dead in the city of Wenzhou, with five others still missing.
The storm has inundated roads, houses and breached local river banks across the region.
70-percent of Yuyao city in Zhejiang province has been flooded affecting nearly 800-thousand people.
Local flood-control and disaster-relief authorities say weather is expected to improve on Thursday.

Egypt dissolves Muslim Brotherhood as NGO

Egypt's government is outlawing the Muslim Brotherhood as a non-governmental organization.
This follows an earlier court order to ban the group's activities, seize its funds and form a panel to administer its assets.
Egypt's Minister of Social Solidarity says all the funds of the Brotherhood as an NGO will be put under the disposal of a government committee.
The money will be held until all judicial issues are resolved.
Meanwhile, ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi is set to stand trial on November 4th in connection with charges he authorized violent attacks which took place outside the Presidential palace earlier this year.

Italy shipwreck death toll rises to 302

We're now getting more firm numbers in connection with last week's migrant boat sinking off the Italian island of Lampedusa.
The official death toll now stands at 302, as more bodies have been recovered through Wednesday.
Authorities now believe a total of 518 people were on-board the ship when it caught fire, capsized and sank off Lampedusa a week ago.
155 people survived.
It's believed the boat originated from Libya, and was made up mostly of migrants from North Africa.

Argentina's president "in very good mood" after surgery

Argentina's President is said to be in a "very good mood" following surgery to drain a bruise on her brain.
Christina Fernandez' chief cabinet minister says the procedure "went perfectly," and suggests her recovery is "very favorable."
Fernandez handed over the reigns of her office for 30-days on Monday to undergo the operation, after doctors recommended she have the hematoma drained after she began noticing slight muscle weakness in her arm.
Christina Fernandez developed the brain bruise after falling and hitting her head back in August.
She's expected to remain in hospital for a few more days before returning home to complete her recovery.

Obama names Yellen as next Federal Reserve chair

As expected, U.S. President Barack Obama has formally nominated current US Federal Reserve Vice Chair Janet Yellen to be the next Fed chief.
Obama is tapping the 67-year old to take over for current Fed Chair Ben Bernanke, who is set to leave office in January.
If approved by the Senate, Yellen would be the first woman to lead the US Federal Reserve in its 100-year history.
Yellen became the front-runner for the job after former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers withdrew from consideration last month.

China predicted to be largest tourist market for U.S. in 2018

China is now being predicted to become the top tourist source market for the United States by 2018 - with the number of visiting Chinese hitting around 4.7 million.
According to data from America's official tourism and marketing organization, Brand USA - the number of Chinese travelers visiting the U.S is increasing by 35-percent each year.
This figure beats any other country in the world.
Chinese travellers spent 8.8-billion U.S dollars last year in America with individual spending hitting an average of 7-thousand-U.S-dollars.
It makes America the top spending destination for Chinese tourists.

