第23期: single, ring, pretty, smart, pool(在线收听

单词/词义 中英例句 单词听读
single [5siN^l] She buys a single new dress each year.
adj. 单独的,单一的 她每年仅买一件新衣服。

ring [riN] She wore a gold ring on her finger.
n. 戒指 她的手指上戴了只金戒指。

pretty [5priti] It was a pretty serious accident.
adv. 相当;颇 这是一次相当严重的事故。

smart [smB:t] He's a smart businessman.
adj. 才思敏捷的 他是个精明的商人。

pool [pu:l] There were pools of water in the holes in the road.
n. 水坑;水塘 马路上有许多水坑。