第36期: bone, around, touch, ordinary, dirt(在线收听

单词/词义 中英例句 单词听读
bone [bEun] Will you bone this joint of meat for me?
v. 除去骨头 你能帮我把这块肉的骨头剔掉吗?

around [E5raund] His car circled around.
adv. 环绕 他的车在兜圈子。

touch [tQtF] Don't touch that pot; it's very hot.
v. 接触,碰到 不要摸那口锅,它很烫。

ordinary [5C:dinEri] It was a very ordinary day today.
adj. 普通的,平常的 今天是很平常的一天。

dirt [dE:t] There is some dirt on your coat.
n. 尘土,泥土 你的外套上有灰尘。