《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界104:来也匆匆 去也匆匆(在线收听

   But Bruce Lee disappeared almost as quickly as he emerged on July 20th, 1973,dying of a brain edema just weeks just before Enter The Dragon was released.

  但是李小龙来也匆匆 去也匆匆 1973年7月20号,距"龙争虎斗"的公映仅数周时 因为脑水肿而去世。
  The cause was put down to an allergic reaction to a painkiller.
  His death sent shock waves around the world,
  prompting the biggest public gathering in the Hong Kong history.
  He was laid to rest in Seattle with former students Steve McQueen and James Coburn as coffin bearers.
  I had decided to sent Bruce's body back to Seattle.
  It was not a popular opinion emm... in Hong Kong because,they thought Bruce's their son in Hong Kong, but that's what I decided.
  呃... 香港人不赞成这么做,他们认为小龙是香港的子孙 但是我还是按自己的想法做了
  Bruce Lee's sudden death left vacuum as the world clamoured to see more of this new Asian superstar.
  A rash of Bruce Lee look-likes in copycat films emerged,inspiring a wholly film genre, known as Bruceploitation.
  盲目模仿李小龙的电影大量涌现,却也引出一种新的电影题材 叫做李氏打斗片。