新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2013/07/08(在线收听

 Paul James with you on this Monday, July 8th, 2013.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
Two Chinese teenagers are dead and dozens of others hurt following the crash-landing of a passanger jet in San Francisco.
This year's edition of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue between the Chinese and US government is set to be held this week.
Thousands of pro-and-anti-Morsi demonstrators have been hitting the streets of Cairo.
In Business, treasury bond futures trading is once-again being allowed here in China.
In sports... Andy Murray has all of the UK in celebration following his historic win at Wimbledon.
In entertainment.... we'll hear what Keanu Reeves has to say about his directorial debut, Man of Taichi.
First, let's check on what's happening on the weather front...
3 dead, 1.9 million affected in C China rainstorm
Heavy rains that have been pounding Hubei since Friday have so far left 3-people dead.
Around 114-thousand people have been forced from their homes in 29 separate counties.
Around 7-thousand homes have been wiped out in the flooding.
Provincial officials in Hubei are estimating the direct economic losses at close to 700-million yuan.
Tuanfeng County, which lies just east of the provincial capital, Wuhan, was hit with 168-millimeters of rain in 24 hours.
Beijing will see thundershowers today, with a high of 31 degree Celsius. Forecasts have the rains holding off this morning, but thundershowers rolling in this afternoon.
Beijing is expected to see moderate to heavy rain tonight with a low of 23.
In Shanghai, it will be cloudy today, 35 the high, and it will be cloudy tonight, the low of 28 degrees Celsius.
Lhasa will see showers in the daytime the temperature's at 22, and tonight will see slight rain with a low of 12 degree Celsius.
Elsewhere in the world, staying in Asia
Islamabad, sunny, 36.
Kabul, sunny, with a high of 34.
And in North America
New York, overcast, with a high of 33 degrees.
Washington, overcast, highs of 33
Houston, thundershowers, 32.
Honolulu, sunny, 29.
Toronto, thundershowers, 27.
Finally, on to South America,
Buenos Aires, sunny, 12.
And Rio de Janeiro will be sunny with highs of 29 degrees Celsius.
Top News
Investigations underway over Boeing 777 crash
Federal investigators in the United States have begun a full investigation into the crash of an Asiana Airlines jet in San Francisco on Sunday.
The plane crashed and burst into flames while landing at San Francisco's main airport yesterday afternoon.
Two Chinese teenagers were killed in the crash.
CRI's Su Yi has more.
US National Transpiration Safety Board Chair Deborah Hersman says while they don't believe there is something criminal about the crash, it's still too early to determine what went wrong.
"No indication of a criminal act at this point. Good weather conditions, good visibility, we know that. And so we will be looking at all that information as part of our investigation as we begin to comb through all of the data. We are looking at hundreds of parameters potentially on the flight data recorder. That will give us a lot of insight into this aircraft and what was going on."
The flight originated in Shanghai and stopped over in South Korea before making its way to the US west coast.
There were 291 people onboard, including 141 Chinese nationals, many of whom were on their way to the United States for summer education camps.
Over 180 people were injured in the firey crash.
Shi Da is a product manager at an Internet company from Hangzhou.
"I saw the coast of the runway, but I think the plane is flying too low - even lower than the coast, near the sea level. And then I heard the engine being charged by the pilot, I think, and - but I think the pilot is trying to pull the airplane up, but it did not work, and then the tail hit the ground very heavily."
Shi says he could see through a hole the runway on the ground after the crash.
"When I stand up I saw the tail, where the kitchen located, is all missing. There was a big hole there, and I can see through the hole to the runway, the ground, and there was a lot of dust in the cabin, and we just bring my bag rush out from the tail, actually - from the hole."
Two Chinese teenage girls were killed in the crash.
They were part of a group of nearly 30 students heading to a summer camp in the US.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has offered his condolences.
He's also order Chinese diplomatic missions in the US to assist the Chinese survivors.
UN chief Ban Ki-moon and South Korean President Park Geun-hye have also offered their condolences.
Asiana Airlines is the second largest carrier in South Korea behind national carrier Korean Air.
Asiana Airlines CEO Yoon Young-doo has offered up an apology to the passengers families.
"We bought this plane in March 2006 and it has PW4090 engine. For now, we acknowledge that there were no problems caused by the 777-200 plane or (its) engines. Three pilots are veterans who have an experience of more than 10,000 flight hours. And one pilot has 9,000, almost 10,000 hours experience. I am very sorry to worry families of passengers as well as our people. I bow my head in apology."
The 777-200 is a long-haul plane developed by Boeing.
The twin-engine aircraft is largely used for cross-continental flights.
For CRI, I'm Su Yi.
Train derailment in southwest Russia injures over 70
76 people have been injured in a train derailment in Russia.
The passanger train jumped the tracks in the Krasnodar region of southwest Russia.
6 people have suffered serious injuries.
The remaining 70 hurt suffered only minor injuries.
It's unclear what caused the derailement.
Canada oil train derailment deathtoll rises to 5
At least five people are confirmed dead after a runaway train carrying crude oil derailed in the province of Quebec in Canada.
40 others are listed as missing.
The derailed train exploded in flames after derailing near the town of Lac-Megantic, forcing the evacuation of some 2-thousand people.
The fire has prevented rescuers from reaching parts of the 73-car train.
Local authorities say there is still the risk of explosions, as two tankers are still burning.
Denis Lauzon is the local fire chief of Lac Megantic.
"We still have a risk of explosion because we have two tankers that's still involved on the fire. The rest of the tankers, we're putting water to cool them down, but the fires is extinguished."
The fire has also spread to local businesses in downtown Lac Megantic, destroying 30 local businesses.
The cause of the derailment remains unclear.
Live call-in Tens of thousands took to streets in Egypt over Morsi
Tens of thousands of anti-Mohammed Morsi and pro-Morsi demonstrators have took to the streets across Egypt.
Protesters opposed to Morsi are gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square and at the presidential palace in what is being described as a festive atmosphere.
The appearance of army helicopters and fighter jets also ignited cheers from the crowd as they flew over the square.
Though mostly jublilant, a number of protesters are also angered by the Obama administration's position.
The US side has expressed concern over Morsi's removal.
"Today we are just confirming that the military, they didn't coup, they were just listening to our will. It is not a military coup, it is our will that we do not want Ikhwan in our country."
Meanwhile, thousands of Morsi supporters gathered for a sit-in in Nasr City.
Mohamed Morsi and five top Muslim Brotherhood figures are currently in detention.
Around 200 others have arrest warrants out for them.
While all this takes place, political parties are also wrangling over who is to be prime minister.
The conservative Salafi al-Nour Party has already blocked the appointment of reform leader Mohammed ElBaradei.
However, ElBaradai has been tapped by the interim president to be the Vice-President.
The interim president has tapped Ziad Bahaa-Eddin to be the new Prime Minister.
For more on this, we are now joined on the line with David Keyton, CRI's special correspondent in Cairo.
1. What is the situation on the ground? What is the atmosphere there? Any clashes reported so far?
2. There are fears of another round of street violence, are we going to see more protests in the coming few days?
3. Currently there are also argues over the naming of a prime minister. Why is that and who do you think is likely to be named? Will the naming of a prime minister help to stabilize the situation?
David Keyton, CRI's special correspondent reporting from Cairo.
5th China US S&ED: from Suunylands to Washington DC
The latest edition of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue will take place this week in Washington DC.
The annual gathering this year is expected to focus on cyber security, Asia-Pacific cooperation, climate change, economic cooperation, to name but a few.
CRI's Washington correspondent Lv Xiaohong has more.
Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai says the upcoming 5th China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue is another important high-level exchange between the two countries.
This year's S-and-ED comes on the heels of last month's summit between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Barack Obama in California.
The meeting in Sunnylands, California, saw the two leaders draw a blueprint for China-U.S. relations, with both leaders saying they're committed to building a new type of relationship.
The forthcoming dialogue is designed to try to build on the concensus reached at last month's summit.
The S-and-ED will be co-chaired on the Chinese side by Vice Premier Wang Yang and State Councilor Yang Jiechi.
The US will be represented by Secretary of State John Kerry and Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew.
Both sides will have large delegations representing various government agencies.
Ambassador Cui Tiankai says a wide range of issues will be addressed, including cyber security, climate change, Asia-Pacific cooperation and economic cooperation.
"This reflects the width of the many issues that need close cooperation and coordination between our two countries. And such collaboration has been extended to new areas as more working groups are added to address emerging issues. For example, the cyber security working group will hold its first discussion this year and the climate change working group is also a new element to the Dialogue. And I suspect there will be more in the future as we encounter new issues."
One of the highlights this year will be the newly-established cyber security working group.
Ambassador Cui Tiankai says cyber security poses a major challenge.
"With the fast development of communications technologies and the wide coverage of internet, the world is facing a common increasing challenge, namely how to insure cyber security while taking the advantage of new technologies. A good idea and a constructive way to deal with the new challenge is to establish a set of norms and governing rules through the channel of multinational organizations such as the United Nations. It won't solve any problem by finger-pointing to each other."
Bilateral trade and investment cooperation is also expected to be a major focus of the forthcoming session.
Cui Tiankai says it's the Chinese government hopes the U.S. will provide a fair and transparent environment for Chinese investment.
"The Chinese business is eager to invest in the United States. And the U.S. at the same time also needs and welcomes foreign investment in many fields. So there is this complementary situation and looks like it shall be a win-win case. However, Chinese businesses have encountered some obstacles and frankly speaking these obstacles have nothing to do with business activities, but largely political ones. How to clear these hurdles? I think both sides should make concrete efforts, the sooner the better."
For CRI, this is Xiaohong, reporting from Washington.
North Korea and South agree "in principle" to reopen Kaesong complex
North and South Korea have agreed in principle to restart their joint Kaesong Industrial Complex.
The announcement comes after some 16-hours of talks at the Panmunjom truce village.
Pak Chol-su is North Korea's Chief negotiator.
"North and South Korea will carry out facilities inspections and maintenance checks in the Kaesong Industrial zone starting from July 10th, in order to prevent damage during the monsoon season. This will be achieved by allowing the visit of South Korean personnel including South Korean businessmen for the inspections."
Under the new agreement, South Korean companies will be able to bring back finished products and materials out of the complex.
The industrial zone has been shut down for nearly three months after Pyongyang withdrew its workers from the site.
Over 120 South Korean companies operate factories in the complex, which lies just over the border on the North Korean side.
China's central gov't agencies to cut spending by 5 pct
China's Ministry of Finance has issued a circular ordering central government department to cut their general expenditures by 5 percent this year.
It is part of the broader frugality campaign launched by the country's new leadership.
The spending cuts will target government offices, meetings, domestic and overseas trips, vehicles and official receptions.
The new leadership has vowed to fight corruption and extravagance since taking over earlier this year.
Sewage discharge blamed for S China river pollution
Initial investigations are suggesting illegal sewage discharging from local mining companies is the likely source of river pollution in Guangxi.
Over 100 local companies have been forced to suspend their production after dead fish began showing up in the He River near the city of Hezhou.
Investigators say the pollutants include thallium and cadmium, both of which are toxic to humans.
Local authorities say the pollution is under control.
However, the thallium levels in the river remain above acceptable limits.
Biz Reports
Let's get a preview of what's happening in the business world this week.
Here's CRI's Su Yi.
The three major U.S. stock indexes climbed 1 percent on last Friday, possibly pointing the way to more gains ahead.
The Fed probably will be the major driver for equities next week, although geopolitical tensions will also be in focus.
The unrest in Egypt has generated concerns about oil supply, pushing crude prices to 14-month highs.
Fundamentals will return to the forefront as companies begin to release second-quarter results next week.
Today Federal Reserve is set to release consumer credit data for May.
On this Tuesday, Labor Department in the US will release job openings and labor turnover survey for May.
Same day, the Federal Reserve will release the minutes from its June 18-19 meeting. Those minutes are likely to attract heightened attention from Wall Street since they are coming out on the same day that Bernanke speaks to the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Labor Department in the US is due to release weekly jobless claims this This Thursday.
The Producer Price Index for June in the US is coming out this Friday.
Live Callin with Mike Bastin on Treasury bond futures in China
Trading in Treasury bond futures has once again been approved here in China.
The Shanghai-based China Financial Futures Exchange has been given approval to conduct the transactions.
Trading is expected to begin in a couple of months.
Treasury bond futures trading first began here in China in 1992.
However, the government stopped allowing the trades 3-years later.
Chinese authorities issued nearly 1.4-trillion yuan worth of treasury bonds last year.
For more on this situation, we're joined live now by Mike Bastin, Visiting Professor at China's University of International Business and Economics.
1. Why the Chinese financial regulators decided to resume T-bond futures trading after 18 years? Is there any significance with the timing?
2. What are the benefits of having bond futures trading? Who will be benefited most?
3. China had T-bond futures trading before and it only lasted for less than 3 years. So what are the challenges in regulating the transactions? Would the regulators be faced with the same challenges again this time?
Back Anchor
Mike Bastin, Visiting Professor at China's University of International Business and Economics.
China, Switzerland sign free trade agreement
China and Switzerland have signed a free trade agreement.
The finalization of the deal caps over two years of negotiations.
It is the first free trade pact inked between China and a country in continental Europe.
Once the FTA goes into effect, as much as 99.7 percent of Chinese exports to Switzerland will be immediately exempted from tariffs.
84.2 percent of Swiss exports to China will eventually receive zero tariffs.
Tariff reductions under the deal will cover 99.99 percent of Swiss exports to China and 96.5 percent of Chinese exports to Switzerland.
Bilateral trade between China and Switzerland for the first 5-months of this year surged over 114 percent year-on-year.
China Exim Bank issues 400b yuan loans in H1
The Export-Import Bank of China says it rolled out just over 400-billion yuan worth of credit in the first half of this year.
The Exim Bank of China is the official credit agency for the export of Chinese goods and services.
In the first six months, the state bank has approved on-balance-sheet loans totaling 408.5 billion yuan.
It's also signed loan contracts valued at 516.7 billion yuan.
Through the first 6-months, export products and projects with a total value of just under 152-billion dollars received funding from the bank.
This is up 49 percent year-on-year.
As of the end of June, Exim Bank's total assets reached about 1.94 trillion yuan.
Headline News
U.S. federal authorities investigate Boeing 777 plane crash
Federal investigators in the United States have begun a full investigation into the crash of an Asiana Airlines jet in San Francisco on Sunday.
The plane crashed and burst into flames while landing at San Francisco's main airport yesterday afternoon.
Two Chinese teenagers were killed in the crash.
The flight originated in Shanghai and stopped over in South Korea before making its way to the US west coast.
There were 291 people onboard, including 141 Chinese nationals, many of whom were on their way to the United States for summer education camps.
Over 180 people were injured in the firey crash.
It's unclear what caused the plane to lose control upon landing.
Train derailment in southwest Russia injures over 70
76 people have been injured in a train derailment in Russia.
The passanger train jumped the tracks in the Krasnodar region of southwest Russia.
6 people have suffered serious injuries.
The remaining 70 hurt suffered only minor injuries.
It's unclear what caused the derailement.
Morsi's opponents, supporters stage mass protests across Egypt
Opponents and supporters of Egypt's ousted president have been taking part in nation-wide protests on Sunday.
In Cairo, throngs of anti-Morsi protesters have flocked to Tahrir Square and around the presidential palace.
At the same time, Morsi supporters have held marches near Cairo University.
Spurratic violence since Morsi's ouster on Wednesday have left at least 36 people dead and over 14-hundred hurt.
China's central gov't agencies to cut spending by 5 pct
China's Ministry of Finance has issued a circular ordering central government department to cut their general expenditures by 5 percent this year.
It is part of the broader frugality campaign launched by the country's new leadership.
The spending cuts will target government offices, meetings, domestic and overseas trips, vehicles and official receptions.
The new leadership has vowed to fight corruption and extravagance since taking over earlier this year.
3 dead, 1.9 million affected in C China rainstorm
Heavy rains that have been pounding Hubei since Friday have so far left 3-people dead.
Around 114-thousand people have been forced from their homes in 29 separate counties.
Around 7-thousand homes have been wiped out in the flooding.
Provincial officials in Hubei are estimating the direct economic losses at close to 700-million yuan.
Tuanfeng County, which lies just east of the provincial capital, Wuhan, was hit with 168-millimeters of rain in 24 hours.
Newspaper Picks
Taobao offers parental visit service
At least one vender on is offering to visit people's parents for 100 yuan per hour.
The service has sprouted up after a new seniors' rights law came into effect on July 1st forcing people to visit or contact their elderly parents regularly.
The service targets people who are too busy or have a bad relationship with their parents.
Shanghai heat
The Shanghai weather bureau is warning the current heat wave is going to continue to bake the city this week.
Highs in the city are expected to hit 38 this week.
Strongman contestants visit Shaolin Temple
Competitors taking part in this year's China World Strongman Championship has visited the Shaolin Temple in Henan to study Chinese martial arts with the monks.
The Strongman compeition sees the compeditors doing the traditional strongman events, such as pulling an airplane.
Some Traditional Chinese elements are being installed in the Chinese competition.
Black lung sufferers receive damages
26 workers with black lung disease have been given 50-thousand yuan in compensation after contracting the health problems while working as stone crushers at a Silica company in Henan.
In agreeing to the deal, the workers have forefited any ability to appeal for more compensation through the courts.
Newborn panda doing well
The Taipei Zoo has announced the first cub born to a pair of pandas at the zoo is a female.
Zoo employees say the cub is healthy.
Yuan Yuan and her male partner Tuan Tuan were given to Taiwan in 2008.
Jilin arrests 35 over fire
The State Administration of Work Safety says 35 suspects involved in separate work safety incidents in Jilin have been transferred to judicial authorities.
Those being transferred are suspects in the poultry plant fire in the city of Dehui on June 3rd whicle left 121 people dead.
The others are suspects in connection with a pair of coal mine blasts in the city of Baishan which left over 50 people dead.
Special Reports
Global Young Adult Festival Focuses on Palestine
Some 150 young people from 38 countries and regions have gathered in Bethlehem to discuss the Palestinian issue at the Global Young Adult Festival.
CRI's Xiao Yi has more.
Themed as "Moving Mountains, Reshaping the World", the Global Young Adult Festival provides detailed information on the situation in Palestine and the impact of the occupation. Sven Jansson is the project leader for the festival.
"We choose Palestine because of the situation here. We want to introduce the situation to a lot of young people from all over the world. We want to empower the Palestinians that from aboard we are coming and we are dealing with this situation and we want to put in as much hope as we can. We haven't forgotten you. We are going home, we are telling your stories."
The event includes speeches on in-depth data concerning environmental sustainability, economic justice and human rights in Palestine. Haneen Doudeen, a 24-year-old Palestinian participant from Hebron, says that sending a message out to the rest of the world to show exactly what the Palestinians are suffering, is a good step forward.
"We are victims. We are suffering from the Israeli soldiers. We are suffering from the settlements. They will hurt us, physically or inside that may scare us. Oh my God, there are soldiers taking people. Oh my God, there are soldiers arresting a man. So we can't sleep, we can't live a normal life like anybody. We want to study, to go to university. All we just need is normal life, freedom."
For participants from other countries and regions, the festival has given them a more specific picture of life in Palestine and made them more emotionally attached to the issue. Daniela Torre works for an NGO on peace and human progress in Costa Rica.
"It's very eye-opening to see how Palestinians live everyday life from regular going to school, having a job, moving from one place to another, something that we take for granted, 'coz in our country we can move from one place to another and it's ok, no one ask us for anything. It's eye-opening, it's scary, it's heart-breaking, and it's indignity."
The decades-long occupation has violated people's daily lives whilst interrupting regional development in Palestine. Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, one of the Palestinian speakers to the festival, says the international community should pay more attention to human rights and respect international law to help tackle the problems.
"We have to have a peace process that is a true peace process, and road map to peace must be based on human rights. If it is not based on human rights, then it cannot succeed. This is a global problem and has to be a global solution. It has to be from everybody actually around the world to work together to change the dynamics of the situation, change government policies."
For CRI, I'm XYee.
Murray Wins Historic Wimbledon Titlte
Andy Murray became the first Briton to win the men's singles title at the Wimbledon Championships in 77 years after beating World No. 1 Novak Djokovic in straight sets.
CRI's London correspondent Tu Yun reports.
Since Fred Perry claimed his third Wimbledon title in 1936, Britain has been eagerly waiting for another local to lift the Cup.
And this past Sunday, that moment finally arrived.
Britain's No. 1 Andy Murray, who was in the Wimbledon final for the second time, overpowered top seed Novak Djokovic, claiming a straight-set victory 6-4, 7-6, 6-4.
(Act 2, MC announcing champion)
"Ladies and gentlemen, the Wimbledon Champion for 2013, Britain's Andy Murray!"
"Feels slightly different to last year. Last year was one of the toughest moments in my career. So to manage to win the tournament today. It was unbelievably tough match and so many long games. I've played Novak many times and when we all end our careers he will go down as one of the biggest fighters ever. He's come back so many times from losing positions and he made it difficult for me today. That made it extra tough You know how much everyone else wanted to see a British winner at Wimbledon. So I hope you guys enjoy that. I tried my best. "
Djokovic, the 2011 Wimbledon Champion, lauded the Scot.
"I'm aware of the pressure that he gets. I'm not in his skin so I don't know to what extent but definitely there are a lot of expectations of him and to pull out a championship tournament this year. I congratulate him. And on my side, I gave it all. It was absolute pleasure and honor again to be part of this match, this final."
This is the third time the world's top two players have battled each other in the last four grand slams.
Whether this signals a new era for men's tennis dominated by the two powerhouses remains to be seen.
For CRI, I'm Tu Yun at Wimbledon.
Dan Martin wins first Tour de france stage
At the Tour de France,
Garmin-Sharp rider Dan Martin won a grueling stage nine climb into the Pyrenees Mountains. It was the first stage win for the Irish cyclist.
On the last of five tough inclines, Martin and Denmark's Jakov Fuglsang pulled ahead of a leaders pack that included race favorites Chris Froome, Cadel Evans and Alberto Contador.
It came down to a two man sprint, but Martin was able to pull ahead for the win.
Team Sky's Chris Froome finished 20 seconds later, a good enough finish to allow him to keep the race leader's yellow jersey.
Froome's closest challenger right now is Alejandro Valverde, who is hovering 1 minute and 25 seconds behind.
Cyclists will enjoy a rest day before attacking a flat stage 10 on tuesday.
Jimmie Johnson sweeps Daytona races
In F1 over the weekend,
Jimmie Johnson became the first NASCAR driver to sweep Daytona International Speedway in over thirty years after a dominating victory at the Coke Zero 400.
Johnson led for most of the 160-lap race, holding off late charges by Tony Sewart and Kevin Harvick to secure his fourth points win of the season and 64th career win.
The last driver to sweep the Daytona races was Bobby Allison in 1982.
Graeme McDowell triumphs at French Open
In golf,
Northern Ireland's Graeme McDowell triumphed at the French Open, claiming his ninth European Tour title.
McDowell entered the final round sharing the lead with South Africa's Richard Sterne, but the Northern Irishman was able to pull away on the back nine and won with a 4-under 67.
Sterne finished in second four shots behind.
And over in West Virginia at the PGA's Greenbrier Classic. Johnson Wagner leads with an overall of 14 under in the final round, which is underway right now.
The 27th Summer Universiade begins in Kazan Russia
Some of the world's top college athletes are competing at the 2013 Summer Universiade, which kicked off in Kazan, Russia over the weekend.
More than 10,000 student athletes, representing 162 countries and regions, will compete in this year's 27th summer games.
China sent 290 athletes, a team that includes four Olympic champions.
The University games are the biggest sporting event Russia has hosted in almost 20 years, and will serve as an important test run before the nation hosts the 2014 Winter Olympic games and the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
After the first day of competition, Russia leads the medal count with 17. China is in second with 8.
The games will run through July 17.
Nigella Lawson to divorce Charles Saatchi
Art Collector Charles Saatchi and TV chef Nigella Lawson have confirmed their imminent divorce.
The announcement follows pictures of Saatchi gripping Lawson's throat at a Mayfair restaurant emerged last month.
Lawson was later photographed walking away in tears from the scene.
The incident provoked heated discussion of domestic violence in the British press, leading Saatchi to accept a police caution for assault.
However, the 70 year old has always insisted that the photos depicted a "playful tiff".
In a statement issued to the public, the former advertising giant says that he had been a "disappointment" to his wife.
Lawson first came to prominence as a food journalist before clinching the prestigious role of deputy literary editor for the Sunday Times at the age of 26.
She later became a household name with the award-winning book "How to be a Domestic Goddess" and her International hit show Nigella Bites.
During their 10 year marriage, the couple lived with their three children from previous marriages.
Keanu Reeves talks to CRI about his directorial debut
Keanu Reeves has spoken to CRI about the inspiration behind his directorial debut - "Man of Taichi".
Reeves also stars in the martial arts film which arrived on Chinese screens over the weekend.
The Hollywood star said that the film owes itself largely to his Matrix Trilogy colleague, stuntman turned actor Chen Hu.
"Over the course of the years Chen Hu and I became friends. He started to go into acting actually while we were doing the Matrix Trilogy. We decided to work together. And over the years we developed a story that eventually came so close to my heart and my vision that I wanna to direct it. It became a story that I wanna to tell."
The film follows a young Tai Chi master's rise in the underground fighting world, a plotline partially inspired by Chen Hu's life.
Reeves says the script was five years in development and features Cantonese, Chinese and English.
The film also features Hong Kong superstar Karen Mok and Indonesian star Iko Uwais.
Man of Taichi is on nationwide release now here in China.
Guillermo del Toro wants to direct Benedict Cumberbatch
Mexican director Guillermo Del Toro says that he would love for Sherlock star Bendict Cumberbatch for the role of Frankenstein in his upcoming film.
The actor had previously taken on the role of both monster and professor on Danny Boyle's stage version of Mary Shelley's classic.
Although Del Toro had previously tested Doug Jones, his collaborator on Pan's Labyrinth, for the role, the production had been stop and go for the last 4 years.
The film is amongst several Frankenstein-inspired projects currently in the works.
The list includes I, Frankenstein starring Aaron Eckhart and Bill Nighy and an yet unnamed Daniel Radcliffe vehicle.
Willow Smith premieres latest MV
Willow Smith has given us a first look at her latest music video, for upcoming single "Summer Fling".
Willow of course hails from Will Smith and Jada Pinkett's mutli-talented brood.
In the new video, the 12 year old singer is seen holding hands with a nice young man and jumping into swimming pools at Summer parties with her friends.
Willow's movie-star brother Jaden also appears in a cameo, alongside actor Moises Arias.
Willow started her music career with the 2010 hit "Whip My Hair".
Whilst the song peaked at number 11 on the US Billboards, Willow's tender age provoked strong criticisms against the perceived pushy parenting.
Willow recently pulled out of the lead in her father Will and JayZ's upcoming reboot of Annie to "be a normal 12-year old" for a while.