第58期: ability, facial, fact, abide, gad(在线收听

单词/词义 中英例句 单词听读
ability [E5biliti] We found him work more suited to his abilities.
n. 能力,才干 我们为他找到了更容易发挥他才能的工作。

facial[5feiFEl] I've made an appointment for a facial next week.
n. 美容,面部按摩 我已经预定好下星期做一次面部按摩。

fact[fAkt] The lawyer asked for facts, not opinions.
n. 事实,真相 律师问的是事实而不是看法。

abide[E5baid] I can not abide him.
v. 忍受,忍耐 我对他忍无可忍。

gad[^Ad] She gads about Europe a lot.
v. 闲逛,游荡 她在欧洲到处游荡。