美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-03-05(在线收听

 1.Another round of snow in the winter that just won't quit. A storm bearing down on areas from Oklahoma to New York, expected to dump ice and up to a foot of snow in some places.

2.Ukrainian troops trapped in their own country. On Sunday, forces were blocked from the opening gates in their own military base after a gunman surrounded the area. The standoff comes the day after Russian force took over the black sea peninsula of Crimea.
3. Hollywood is gearing up the 86th annual academy award Sunday night. This year biggest question,  the battle for best picture. Experts say it could be a tossup between "12 years a slave", "Gravity" and "American Hustle".
4.And in Chicago, Jimmy Fallon takes a polar plunge with Mayor Rahm Emanuel. The night show host agreed to take the dip if Emanuel came on his show.The water, an icy 32 degrees.