英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-03-24(在线收听

 Malaysia has provided French satellites images to Australian authorities, who is searching for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. The images show possible debris in the southern Indian Ocean. Now so far nothing significant has been found. Planes from China and Japan will join the search when it resumes this morning. 

Cardinal George Pell makes his highly anticipated appearance of the Royal Commission into child's sexual abuse today. Cardinal Pell is expected to be questioned about his knowledge of the church's legal battle with the abused victim John Ellis. 
Syria has accused Turkey of blatant aggression after it shot down one of Syria's warplanes. Turkey says the plane violated its airspace and was given several warnings before it was brought down. Syria insists the plane was in its own territory at the time. 
NATO's top military commander has warned about the Russian buildup of forces on Ukraine's border. General Phillip Breedlove says the increased number's posed a threat to other post-Soviet republics. He's particularly contained about the Moldova's breakaway Transdniestria region. Russia says it's complying with international agreements and has no intentions of invading. 
Gunmen have killed 4 people when they opened fire in the Kenyan Port city of Mombasa. At least 17 others were wounded in the attack. Police say masked gunmen burst into the church, spraying worshippers with bullets. 