英语听力:探索发现 2014-04-04 Sex for Sale -8(在线收听

 Justinian was quite the catch, young and rich. Determined to restore the western part of the Roman empire from the barbarian hordes, he used his generals to conquer the land throughout Mediterranean and Africa, expanding the borders of the eastern Roman empire.

I don't know how many emperors are meeting wool spinners, but she met the emperor Justinian. 
  Falling quickly under Theodolar's spell, the emperor isn't troubled by her sexy past and starts hearing wedding bells.
  Justinian got a relatively tough hill to climb, especially because marrying a commoner was outlawed.
  As the emperor Justinian could have changed the law, but an age-old obstacle got in his way.
Justinian was very beholding to his mother who really wanted this law to stand in place. Invested in protecting the royal blood lines, mom wasn't very welcoming to his prostitute-turned wool spinner girlfriend.
Luckily for him, his mother passes away, at which point Justinian repeals the law and becomes married to Theodolar.
  But despite the ringing of the wedding bells, there was unrest in Constainoble.
  Justinian has some big problems as an emperor.
Justinian's  in trouble. He's got restless public. They don't like taxes. They are being taxed on things they don't feel like they deserve to be. They don't have food. And so what you do when you've got these complaints? You either riot your congressmen or you burn them down.