
第四部 第五节 演讲家的风采—— 征服自我,征服听众!

经典祝贺一: Happy Birthday


[1] We’re here today to celebrate a very special occasion. I’m sure everybody will agree with me that Tom

has always been a great boss and a great leader. He has also been a good role model and friend. I have never

met a person who is as understanding『理解的;体恤的』patient『耐心的』, and sincere as Tom.

[2] We have thrown this birthday party not only to celebrate your birthday, but also to express『表达』 our

gratitude『感激』 for your thoughtful『体贴的;周到的』 leadership. You have really done a lot for everyone

here. So thank you from all of us.

[3] Happy birthday, Tom, and many happy returns!




[1] 今天我们在此庆祝一个非常特别的日子。我相信大家都会同意,汤姆一直是个很棒的领导和上司,同时也是我们的楷模


[2] 我们举办这个生日晚会,不只是要庆祝你的生日,我们还要对你体贴的领导表示感激。你为在场的每一位都做了很多,


[3] 生日快乐,汤姆,并祝你福如东海,寿比南山。
