英语听力:自然百科 达芬奇的自画像?(在线收听

 Experts have revealed what they believe is a previously unknown portrait of Leonado da Vinci. It shows Da Vinci as a middle-aged man with piercing eyes and long flowing hair. The painting was found in December by a medieval historian, studying in the art collection of a family from Italy southern Basilicata region. The portrait is partially damaged by scratches. It was hidden beneath another painting on the same canvas.

The discovery was extraordinary in the sense that at first, when this work of art was found, it was completely different from the one that we see today at the present moment. It was very much a deteriorated work, covered with natural paints. Therefore, it was difficult to read. In the process of the first operations of cleaning and removal of paint, the figure of this particular subject appeared.
Carbon 14 analysis of the woods supporting the canvas dated the material to the late 15th century or early 16th century, a time when Leonado was still alive. But experts stress the age of the woods does not necessarily mean the portrait was painted at that time. Vinci fans believe the portrait could be a work by Leonado himself as the back of canvas carries the Latin words "PINXIT MEA", written in reverse, meaning "painted by myself", which are one of the artist's established trademarks. The name of the artist who painted image was still being investigated. But the experts did rule out that it was a Leonado self-portrait.
We are in the middle of researching, discussing and comparing several hypotheses that however must have a just measure on appropriate limit. Certainly we are not in front of, for what we can see from the surface of the painting, a work that can be related to Leonado. This is absolutely unthinkable. It's not even a dream. Of course, you could dream about everything.