美国文化脱口秀 第107期:出国旅游网站指南(在线收听


  Booking.com 订酒店的网站
  international coverage 全世界范围内
  prices are very competitive 价格优惠
  credit card 信用卡
  user-friendly 用户友好的
  cancellation policy 取消(订阅)制度
  Chinese customer support 中文客服
  Priceline.com 订各种旅游相关的机票、酒店等服务
  I don't have any personal experience with Priceline... 我个人没有用过Priceline。
  Priceline has famous commercials. Priceline的广告很出名啊。
  William Shatner from Star Trek 星际迷航的威廉·夏纳
  bidding / auction 竞价
  You have to live with the risk. 你要承担风险。
  red-eye flight 红眼航班
  domestic flight 国内航班 / international flight 国际航班
  Expedia.com (智游天下网)订机票比价网
  Kayak.com 订机票比价网
  Edward Snowden (棱镜事件主角)斯诺登
  Airbnb.com 住宿交换网站
  Yaletown (加拿大温哥华)耶鲁镇
  How's the price compare to the hotel? 和酒店比起来价格怎么样?
  peak season 旺季
  They have a special camera lens. 他们用特别的照相机镜头拍的。
  Yelp.com (又拍网)查餐厅的网站
  immigration lawyer 移民律师
  Tripadvisor.com (到到网)酒店机票餐馆等查询,用户点评网
  For example, if I'm going to San Fransico and I don't know what places I should visit, will Tripadvisor help me?
  Let's recap real quick, what were those services that you listed?