美国文化脱口秀 第116期:美国政府停摆(在线收听

   2013年美国政府停摆正在进行中,即国会无法通过足够的预算案的情况下,美国政府关闭一些政府机构,暂时停止提供“非必要服务”,相关的政府雇员停发工资以减少开支。本次停摆从10月1日开始,停摆的主要原因是共和党控制的众议院与民主党控制的奥巴马医改(Obama Care)上的分歧。对于此次停摆,你怎么看?

  1. government shutdown 政府停摆
  2. with different consequences 不同的后果
  3. Federal Government 联邦政府
  4. Obama Care 奥巴马医改(美国全民医保)
  5. So Obama Care is the new health system reform. 奥巴马医改就是一种新的医疗改革方案。
  6. health care 健康保健
  7. Because they can't afford it. 因为他们付不起钱。
  8. the Affordable Care Act 平价医疗法案
  9. While Obama was creating this new health care system, the Republican Party and the conservatives opposed it.
  10. fiscally conservative 财政保守派的
  11. cut government spending/debts 削减政府开支/负债
  12. the Tea Party 茶党
  13. the Congress 国会
  14. the Senate 参议院
  15. A lot of people weren't happy about it, but it did become the law. 很多人不乐意,但最终法案还是通过了。
  16. defund 撤回资金
  17. in a very extreme situation 在极端情况下
  18. The crazy thing is, the situation is not that extreme, but it has become extreme. 问题是这个情况本来不是很极端的,但是现在变得越来越极端。
  19. wealth distribution 财富分配
  20. polarized 两极化
  21. National Parks were closed. 国家公园都关门了。
  22. national monuments in Washington.DC 华盛顿的国家历史文物
  23. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 美国国家航空航天局
  24. They are still supporting the people that are in space, but everything else is shut down. 在太空里的人他们还是支援的,但是其他都关门了。
  25. non-essential government services 非必要政府服务
  26. The more time passes, the more important it becomes. Like recently in the news I read about, they stopped giving benefits to war veterans.
  27. A lot of them really need that money. 很多人真的很需要这笔钱。
  28. debt ceiling 债务上限
  29. to raise the debt ceiling 提高债务上限
  30. It's a financial disaster. 这是个财政灾难。
  31. We can't believe it! 我们不敢相信!
  32. It seems so crazy. Like the Democrats and Republicans are just playing this game. Like who is going to give in. 真是太疯狂了。好像民主党和共和党在玩过家家一样的,看谁先认输。
  33. politicians 政客
  34. disgusted 反感、嫌恶
  35. Hopefully this will get resolved soon, and the Federal Government will go back to work. 希望这件事尽快得到解决,联邦政府赶紧回去干活儿。
  36. Never do this again! 再也别这样了!
  37. It has happened before. 以前也发生过。
  38. Hang in there! 坚持住!